Gunshots, Requests, Tears

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-And a gunshot rang throughout the school.-

The drama class sprung into action, closing the blinds, barricading the door with desks and covering windows with paper. 

People jumped into corners, drawers and supply closet. Jake quickly brought Ivy towards the corner of the room and asked Orion to drag a table. 

The three of them huddled close to each other behind the fallen table.

The PA spoke again, but in a young male's voice.

"If Ivy Claude, Orion James and Jake Walker do not report to the office in the next 3 minutes, you're dear secretary and office staff will leave the school in body bags. Jorge is waiting for you."

The entire class gasped in shock and looked to the trio huddled in the corner.


"Hold on Ivy, I'm thinking."

"Its Jorge. What's wrong with him?" Ivy asked frantically.

"Ivy, Orion. Don't go. I'll go" Jake stated

"If you're going, so am I" Ivy stood up.


Jake stood up and climbed over the barricade. But just before he got out the door, Ivy flew into action and pushed Jake out of the doorway. He fell and was paralyzed by surprise. She quickly closed the door and barricaded from the outside.

Through the window she mouthed

"I'm sorry. I have to do this."

Orion and Jake were struggling against the door as they watched Ivy run down the hall.

The PA system spoke,

"30 seconds. Come on by. Take your time"

Ivy dashed around the corner and stopped at the office door. With a deep breath she held the door handle and opened.

"Ahhh. Ivy. Welcome." Jorge greeted.

He was wearing all black and was holding a handgun. Around his shoulder was a AK-47. But he wasn't alone. 4 other guys were around, covered in black masks, eyes showing only. 

The school secretary was on the ground, bleeding from the shoulder.

3 other ladies, Ivy knew well were herded into a corner, zip ties on the wrist and ankles. The principal and vice principal were knocked unconscious but were coming to.

"What do you want Jorge?" Ivy asked bravely.

A few strides, it took Jorge to get to Ivy. He stood close to her and held her cheek with his free hand.

"You. But I asked for 2 more. Where are they?"

"I locked them in the classroom. This is between you and me. Only."

"But, why did they come to me? And threaten me? Mhh."

"I didn't ask them to, it was their idea, hoping it might protect me."

"Fine. Change of plans gentlemen. Kill them" Jorge said emotionless

The guns were cocked and pointed at the office staff,

"WAIT!" Ivy screamed. She was suddenly in the middle of the gun point.

"Men! Stop!" Jorge commanded. "You stupid girl."

"You shoot them, you shoot me first." She said breathlessly.

Sirens were heard from the street away.

"*&$#." Jorge said underneath his breath. "Plan B"

Ivy was suddenly picked up from behind, a chloroform soaked cloth was put around her mouth and she was caught by Jorge.

One of the men with guns through a smoke/tear gas into the room and all of them ran out. They all ran in different directions and started shooting at random places.

Jorge quickly ran with Ivy on his back. He reached a car and threw her in the passenger seat. With a quick flick, he put handcuffs onto her wrist and put it onto the dash board handle.

He took off his black clothes and quickly changed with a hat and glasses. He put a sunhat on Ivy and hid the handcuffed hands. With a squeal of a tires, he hit the street, where no cops were.


"IVY!" Jake screamed. Orion and Jake were trying to get out of the room.

"BOYS!" The teacher yelled, "Get away from the door."

"Ivy just ran out, towards the shooter. And you're telling us to get out of the way? Why didn't you do anything?"

The teacher looked at the two boys,

"Use the window instead. Its easier to get out. Be safe. I'll tell Ivy's parents"

Just before climbing out of the window, several gunshots were heard throughout the school. The boys ducked and caught sight of two gunmen running towards a parking lot.

"Come on Orion, follow them." Jake whispered.

"Let me grab my bag" Orion replied quietly. The two slipped out the window and ran out.

The duo snuck around the school to the robotics classroom. Orion quickly went in with Jake in tow.

The lights were dark and with a shuffle of desks Orion and Jake was attacked with chairs and desks.

"WAIT!!! IT'S ME!" Orion screamed at his classmates. They paused for a moment and a breath of relief filled the room.

"You idiot!" Ralph said. "We were going to beat the living shit out of you."

Orion quickly found his backpack and started packing it with wires and random crap.

"Listen guys, Jorge took Ivy, as you can tell." He said in mid pack. "I need supplies, Jake and I are after her."

With a final item in the backpack, he zipped it shut and gave a glance to Jake.



The robotics team watched as their friend and leader leave the room to save a life.

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