Chapter 2: No pain, No Gain

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The problem that's constant with my disability is pain constantly.. Usually I get pain in my lower back and lower spine and also the back and front of my legs.

Thanks to my disability I get random pains everywhere that its kinda like you know when you have pins in your legs after you've had a broken leg or ankle it's kinda like that.

Or of course on occasions it's kinda like stabbing pains. The only thing that helps mostly is baths every day rather than showers.

My disability also effects my ability to exercise. I went to see a cerebral palsy expert and she said I should exercise 20 mins every day and that would help improve my disability.

And it does on occasions! I then find hills a lot easier to walk up etc. But most days my disability wipes me out so I miss a day and then I'm back where I started.

I struggle with hills and when the air is cold I struggle to breathe so I gag and I end up being sick.

With exercise my muscles go through a lot of pain.

Thanks to the combination of being deaf and having cerebral palsy my balance is all wonky.

So I end up falling over a lot! And if I get bruises.. My muscles ache for a few days.

My disability becomes worse when it's my time of the month. You get pain anyway but I get twice the amount of pain because of my cerebral palsy in my muscles and lower back.  

So it does feel like I can't win! I can't stand up for longer than 5 or ten minutes so I spend my life sitting down but of course my mom would say I'm lazy and yeah I am kinda but so would you if you had all the pain I had to deal with.

Of course Occasionally I get a spark of random pain that causes me to collapse in agony for a minute or two and then after that I'm fine.

I walked with specially made splints from the age of two up till around 6 or 7 but since then its made it impossible to find shoes for me that I can walk in!

Shoes tend to slip off me when I walk and I occasionally trip up even if I watch where I'm going! I struggle with laces sometimes so sometimes I have to have velcro shoes and I have nice soft boots too!

But because of my balance I cant wear some shoes with a bit of height on them.

But because of my balance I cant wear some shoes with a bit of height on them

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That's me aged 3 :)

That's me aged 3 :)

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me 6 or 7

me around 7

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me around 7

me 6 :)

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me 6 :)

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