Chapter Six | Meeting Hercules |

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Yes, This is who I like to think would play Heath really well. Don't judge, it's an Aussie thing.

Everyone in the room looked shocked, head to toe, acting as if a miracle had happened, like Jesus had just arrived or the devil just stole someone's soul. I looked at Rose, noticing how frightened she was, but before I could comfort her, her mate was near her, holding her, and at the moment she didn't seem to mind at all. Everyone seemed to slowly get back to normal, well for lyncans. No one seemed to mind me at the time, and Luciana had gotten up, nodded her head towards me once, and walked off. I don't know if that meant we were good or what, but I'm pretty sure that was a good sign.

Suddenly everyone's chatter was cut off, but a loud smash coming from upstairs, shaking the entire mansion. I gathered where that sound had come from, most likely from Heaths room. Everyone who had stopped chatting slowly turned to me, before Roses mate spoke up, coming over to talk to me, a hell of a lot more politer then he was before.

"Luna, you should probably go check on him. None of us would be able to calm him down." He said, solemnly. I frowned at being called Luna, but judging by the looks from his Lyncan pals I gathered I didn't have much of a choice. I slowly nodded, turning and made my way upstairs, where I heard another loud smash, sounding like something was broken.

Once I had arrived to his door, I took a deep breath before hesitantly knocking. I waited, for a good few seconds where I heard nothing, just the crash of something else being broken. Deciding enough's enough, I chuck open the door and charge in, where I'm greeted with utter chaos. Smashed draws, holes in walls, about five objects had been thrown into the pool, and in the midst of it all stood a raging Alpha, looking feral. Slowly, Heath turned towards me, and when he had fully faced me I realised.

This wasn't Heath.

Heaths original blue eyes had been overtaken by a dark, pure black. I tried to hold back my gasp as I unconsciously took a step back, and saw Heath let out a dark grin.

"Hello mate." It was times like these, I wish he was just talking in Aussie terms, but with the way he was looking at me, I knew I wouldn't have been that lucky.
I laughed, awkwardly, "Uh, hi, um, so, I was told to come up here, but you seem to be doing just fine..." I take a quick glance around the room, and nod enthusiastically, " so I'm just gonna go, and let you get back to...whatever creative thing you were doing. Okay? Sweet." I quickly turn around to make a run for the door, but somehow Heath was there when I turned around. Wait,what?
"How did you move that quickly?!"

Heath let out a dark laughter, disregarding my question, "Aww, mate, don't leave," He pouted, mockingly, "Don't you want to know who I am first?" And with that last sentence he took his first step towards me. I swallowed hard.

"Who you are? Um, aren't you, uh, Heath? Right? I already know who you are." I stuttered, nervously. No matter how cocky or confident I usually am, this was an angry alpha Lyncan I was dealing with. I was completely out of my depth here.

Heath laughed, chucking his head backwards, and then looking forward again, taking another step, still smirking.
"Aww, beautiful pixie, I'm hurt I haven't been mentioned to you yet. Allow me to introduce myself." He takes one more step, coming to a close stop, in front of me, his smirk never dropping, "I'm Hercules."

And just like that, my heart stopped. I'm sorry. Hercules? The Lyncan Hercules? With my heart in my mouth, I let out a shaky reply.

"I'm sorry, H-Hercules? The Original Lyncan, Hercules? The...The merciless killer in the five wars lyncans have had over the years and has managed to win ever single one...Hercules? I-Is that the Hercules you're introducing yourself as?" I squeak out, rambling on in fear. Hercules the Lyncan has be around for hundreds of years, he is a frightening, terrifying creature. Old time legends were to have said, if you met this evil in war, unless he was fighting with you, you never came back. He has won every war he had ever been in, and is said to have been an immortal. Was this the Lyncan I had been bound to by their so called Moon Goddess?

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