Try to Understand

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 I looked down at the ground, because I couldn't look at all the pairs of eyes staring at me.the teacher put his hand on my shoulder and said "Welcome to Oxford middle school!"

"Witam" I said, but my voice came out as a squeak. I could see that everybody was confused so I corrected my self. "H-hello." That was the only english word I knew. "Mam na imię Joasia." I had just introduced myself, but nobody knew, because nobody spoke polish.

  Kairi's pov

When the teacher told us a new student was coming, and that she didn't speak english, i was immediatley  intrested. Hearing that reminded me of my first day here at Oxwood middle school. Back then my family had just moved from japan to here, Canada. I didn't know any english back then either. It was the most frightening time of my life. I hated not being able to comminucate with my peers, and i didn't learn to speak a full sentence until three days after I got here, and that sentance was "I'm sorry, I don't understand."

A small frail girl stepped into the classroom. She had long blonde hair that curled slightly and cascaded down her shoulders to the small of her back, and that wasn't very far from the ground, because she was quite small. She had a small face and big, bright  green eyes that lit up her face. She looked like a doll. "Witam" she spoke in a soft, quiet voice. "Mam na imię Joasia"

Joasia's pov

After I introduced myself, I didn't bother trying to explain what I had said, I didn't know enough english and I would only embarrass myself. I walked slowly to the only empty desk in the classroom. On one side of the desk sat a girl that semed bored and didn't even look up at me. On the other side sat a boy that was staring at me with intrest, and i suddenly felt self consious.

Kairi's pov

As I was trying to figure out what she had said and what language it was in, I found myself studying her.  She seemed unhappy, and I couldn't blame her. I hated my first few days in oxwood. She started walking towards me, then sat down at the desk beside me. My eyes followed her and she suddenly blushed. I turned red too, I hadn't realized I was staring. I quickly snapped my head back to the front of the room, where the teacher had started to teach.

After this class it was lunch. The bell rang and we took out our lunches. We're allowed to eat anywhere in the school but we usually eat in the classroom. The girl beside me sat all alone and I knew how she felt, remembering eating lunch alone on my first day. I timidly went up to her and asked if I could eat with her. She didn't understand me so I mimicked sitting, then eating. I must have looked silly because she giggled, but nodded and I could tell she was grateful that she didn't have to sit alone.

I pointed to myself and said my name. "Kairi." she smiled and pointed at herself "Joasia"  I sat down and we opened our lunches.


When I saw my friends the next day they all had smirks on their faces. "Heeeeeey." my friend Jacob sneered. "i think Kairi's got a cruuuuush!!" I immediatly turned beet red. "Jacob!! why on earth would you say that?" Jacob snickered and pointed at Joasia. She looked up and saw Jacob pointing. I guess she didn't realize that Jacob was pointing at her, because she looked behind her and when she realized that there was nobody there she started to look very nervous."Cut it out!' I exclaimed. "You're freaking her out!" Jacob and all my friends started to snicker, saying things like "awe, he really does like her!" and "that's adorable! he stood up for her." I swatted at my friends and they started dodging me and laughing. Then they started chanting Josia's name and pointing at her, laughing all the while.  I started to laugh a bit, but when I glanced at Josia, she wore a shocked and pained look on her face. At that moment the teacher came into the room and told us to all sit down. I felt bad, but I decided I would have to avoid Joasia for a while so people wouldn't get the wrong idea.

Joasia's pov

Yesterday wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was sure I was going to be lonely, until Kairi came and sat with me. I wasn't so nervous about going back to school today. When I arrived at the classroom Kairi wasn't there yet, so I sat down and got my first good look at the classroom. It was a big classroom, compared to the ones back in my little town in poland. I was surprised when I learned that there was more than one room, and that we were all seperated based on our grade. Our teacher Mr. Santer seemed nice. He was a younger teacher that smiled alot and spoke in a tone of voice that was both kind and powerfull. I noticed that all the students were split into groups based on their intrestets and personalitys. I wondered which group I would fit into... or if i'd ever fit in at all.

As my eyes wandered over all the groupds in the classroom, I noticed a boy pointing in my direction. I quickly turned around to see who was behind me, but no one was there. He was pointing at me. I saw Kairi start talking to him, with his face all red. I saw all his friends laughing, and speaking in a taunting manner. They were chanting my name, and even Kairi laughed. I looked away. I couldn't watch them making fun of me.


When the bell rang signalling lunch hour, I grabbed my lunch and walked quickly to the door. I looked behind me once, and caught kairi peeking back at me. I felt an ache in my chest and raced out of the classroom, and ran through the hallways, searching for a room where I could be alone.

Suddenly a teacher stepped right in front of me, causing me to stop and lose my balance. I fell to the floor, and when I looked up a saw the teacher towering over me, I felt so small sitting there on my knees while the teacher scolded me. I couldn't understand what she was saying, but  knew she was scolding me by the tone of her voice. Other children stopped and stared while the menacing teacher chided me. When the teacher left, I quietly stood up and picked up my lunchbox. With my face burning I ducked into the learest room, which was the library. I quickly hid between the shelves of books and sat down.

All of this morning's events swirled in my head. I felt so betrayed and ashamed. But I couldn't get the image of Kairi and his friends laughing at me out of my head. I felt a hot tear roll slowly down my cheek. I wiped it away. I shouldn't be crying. I barely knew Kairi. In fact, I didn't know him at all. I couldn't let myself be hurt by him, even though i had thought he was different, that he somehow knew how I felt. But i was wrong. he is like everybody else, ready to laugh at another person's expense.

I sniffed and felt tears coming again. I wiped them with my sleeve but I couldn't stop crying. I held my face in my hands and let myself cry, figuring it wouldn't do any harm, that it might make me feel better. And then I heard someone's footsteps. I rubbed at my eyes with my sleeves quickly. I didn't want anybody to see me cry. Too late. I suddenly saw shoes and heard a boy's voice saying. "I'm sorry."

(Author's note: HI! this is my first ever story on wattpad! *\(^-^)/* tell me what you think please! I'm very sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes (-.-"). i'm trying my best!  iId also like to thank my best friend gabby for giving me advice! WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU!! <3  I'll try to upload chapters as often as possible, but I write best when my muses move me, and my muses are lazy. (=_=) see you next chapter! BYE!! <3 )

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