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I wasn't expecting to hear that. In fact, I didn't know what I was expecting. I barely know english. But the fact that surprised me most was that the boy that had just apologised to me, I didn't know at all. at first I just looked at him in confusion, but then I realised hom much of a mess I was so I quickly stood up and began to gather my things in an attept to hide my tearstained face with my hair. The boy bent down beside me and picked up an apple that had rolled out of my lunch bag, all the while talking away, and of course I didn't understand a word he had said. So when he handed me back my apple I just gave a quick nod and then ran away.

Ryland's pov

"And the disembodied hand started crawling closer... closer... cloooser... until..." I let out a little shreik and slammed the book shut. I couldn't help it. It was just too, too scary. I could never get past that part. I put the book back on the library shelf and turned around just in time to see a what looked like a blonde streak flying by. I timidly looked around the bookshelf it had dissappeared behind, hoping I wasn't invading anybody's privacy... but I was curious. nobody ever came into the library during lunch. Not even the librarian.

A girl sat on the floor, crying. I looked down at her and my heart retched. I took a step closer. "I'm sorry."  I croaked. The girl looked up at me in confusion, then quickly stood up and started gathering her things. I bent down to help her as I started to babble. 'I'm sorry... it's just that I... I can't see people sad. It makes me feel bad. It makes me feel like i've done something wrong... i'm always apologising to random people and it's dumb I know but i'm sorry and imsorrythereIgoagain apologisingandi'lljustshutupnow. But by then the girl had already booked it out of the classroom. I slumped down and laid down on the floor like a starfish, ashamed at my social akwardness. After a little while the bell rang so I got up and headed back to the classroom.

When I got back in the classroom I saw that the girl in the library was in my class. I quickly took my spot at the back of the classroom beside my friends. My best friend Corey jumped up beside me and climbed up on my desk. After she was standing on my desk she raised her leg and started shaking her foot. "I give up" I said smiling. "what's new?" she put her foot down and answered simply "pocketsock." I laughed. "what? what do you mean pocketsock?" "Couldn't you hear it jingling? she asked and started shaking her foot again. This time I heard a faint jingle. She jumped off the desk and turned around so all I could see was that she was positioned at an akward angle with her pant leg rolled up. She turned around quickly, and flung a quarter right at me. It whizzed right at my face! Suddenly a hand blocked my view and I heard the smack of the quarter hitting skin. my friend Oak had just caught it. "good catch" I grinned. it wasn't surprising for Oak to appear out of nowhere and save my skin. Oak just nodded. I turned back to Corey. "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?" Corey laughed and pointed at her sock. It went all the way up to her knee and sure enough, it had a tiny zipper on it, about the length of a twoonie. It was unzipped so I could see that there was a tiny pocket in her sock, but it was so small that only about two fingers could fit in it. she stuck her finger in the pocket and wriggled it all around, laughing. Then she pulled out 7 more quarters and started flinging them at me. This time I was ready. I dodged them all like Jackie Chan. But then I heard "ow.ow.ow.ow.ow.ow.ow.' as all seven quarters sailed behind me and hit one of my other friends, Colbalt. One of the quarters richochet off his cheek and sailed towards Oak. he flicked it. that's right he flicked it and this time it sailed towards Kirby and she kicked it at Galaxy. Galaxy swatted at it and it sailed over mine and Corey's heads as we watched in amazement. It made a perfect arc and richechet right of Blaise's head flew away, hit Terrance's ear then bounced across to hit Myrah on the side of the head, fly off and hit me on the nose and then bounced off and hit Corey right between the eyes and finally clattered to the floor. It was quiet for a moment. Then we all burst out  laughing. That quarter had just managed to hit everyone in our group. Corey was rolling around on the ground with tears in her eyes and I was doubled over with laughter. We were laughing so hard we didn't hear the bell ring and mr. Santer had to come up to us to get us to calm down.

Joasia's pov

I spent the next couple weeks alone. Sometimes when I passed Kairi in the hallway he would look at me, but I always looked away. Seeing him only made me feel hurt. On my 4th week, during lunch a girl with green dip-dyed hair came up to me and shouted "HI!"  I looked around and realized she was talking to me. "h-hello" I said shyly. she grinned. "MY NAME'S COREY!' she bellowed, then she started bouncing around. I didn't know exaclty what she had said, but I guessed she meant that her name was Corey. I pointed to myself. "Joasia." Corey started twirling around, talking a mile a minute. she had so much energy and such a big smile I couldn't help but smile too. finally she stopped twirling when she realizd that I wasn't responding. she turned and faced me. I shook my head. "Naprawdę mi przykro. Nie rozumiem. Nie mówię po angielsku, tylko po polsku." I had just told her that I didn't speak any English. Only polish. She looked at me in awe, then turned around and started to run. She screeched to a halt and ran back to me, gave me a quick hug and then took off again. I decided that I like Corey.  I smiled the rest of the day.

Ryland's pov

During lunch I saw Corey wander off towards library girl. I was curious, but I decided it would be weird to stare, so I concentrated on my sandwich. I looked up just in time to see Corey thundering towards me full-force. She didn't slow down, she just lowered her head and barreled into me, knocking us both to the ground. Corey quickly stood up and asked me, all casually "polska means polish right?"  I picked myself up, holding my stomach. and gasping for air. "WHAT... ARE... YOU... THINKING??" "Thanks!" Corey yelled, then ran off again. I shook my head. Corey would never change. I went back to my lunch and chewed on my granola bar thoughtfully. why would Corey want to know about polska, or  polish or whatever?

Josia's pov

The next day, as soon as the lunch bell rang, Corey bounded up to me. "chcesz... zjeść... obiad ze ...mną i... moimi.. przyjaciółmi?" she asked. I was shocked. she was speaking polish, although it was very butchered and kind of hard to understand, I knew that she had asked me to eat lunch with her and her friends. My mouth gaped open. Then I smiled and took the hand she had offered me. she led me to the back of the classroom, where six other people sat, including the boy that was there the day at the library. Corey pointed to each one, listing their names. Colbalt, Kirby, Oak, Blaise, Ryland and Galaxy. Then she pointed at me and said my name. I smiled at everyone and said hello. everyone smiled back at me and there was a chorus of hi's and hey's and hello's. I sat down and we started eating lunch I was shy at first, but I had never laughed as hard as I had that lunch hour, watching Corey and her friend's antics.

Eating lunch with Corey became routine for me. I noticed that some day's Ryland was Missing from the group.

I got to know everyone in the group, even though I couldn't hold a proper conversation with any of them. But I always felt welcome and like... like a part of their group.

I always wondered how Corey had learned that polish overnight.

Ryland's pov.

"hey Corey?" I asked. she looked over at me and cocked her head. "hmm?" "how did you learn that polish that one day?" Corey looked at me and grinned. "google translate!" then she bounded away. I shook my head at her, smiling. Corey certinaly is quite a character.

(A/N heey!  before I continue, i'll tell you right now

THERE REALLY IS SUCH THING AS A POCKETSOCK!  I have one :3 the group of Corey's friends are actually based off of a few people in my friend circle, so I can tell you now, some of the stuff they do probably really happened! my friends are weirdos. haha <3


pick a friend and start flingig quarters at them! tell me what happens in the comment section! 

love you all c: bye for now! <3 )

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