A DATE????

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Kairi's pov

Another boring day.


nothing fun could ever happen on a day like today. It's just one of those days.

Unless, of course you have a person like Corey as your friend. She's the type of person that enjoy's everything, and can make any day into the funnest day ever by just being herself. not to mention that she's funny, smart and beautiful.

But, for me... The type of person Corey never associates with.... It was another boring day.

Until Corey, of couse made it otherwise... BY BARRELING TOWARDS ME, JUMPING ON MY DESK, FALLING OFF OF IT AND THEN SLAMMING INTO MY FRIEND JACOB, WHO WAS  BESIDE ME. She stood up qiuckly and helped Jacob up, then turned around to face me. "Kairi," My heart started to flutter. Did I mention that I've had a huge crush on her since the second grade? "Do you want to go on a double date with me and my friends?"  Corey asked.


What do you wear on a date? Should I rent a tux? I know it's only a double date and it's only at the amusement park... but I wanted to look nice for Corey.  I stood in front of a mirror, turning about and examining myself. I pulled a pose, trying to flex in a manly way. At that moment my older sister Manami walked into my room saying "Kairi, do you know if we have any more bagels left?" Then she saw me and burst out laughing. "wh-what are you doing?' she could barely speak because she was laughing so hard. She flopped onto my bed. I immediatly started to blush. 'u-um Manami, I need your help. I sat down beside her. "no changing the subject," she cut me off. "what in the world were you doing??" she asked me, wiping the tears from her eyes. 'That's part of it, onee-chan,' I told her, blushing even more. " I need help Deciding what to wear to a date." Manami's face filled with shock, and then she started laughing again. "you think posing like THAT will get you your girl?" Manami was rolling around on my bed. Here, let me help you pick your outfit, but my first piece of advice is:" she held up a finger  "please don't ever do that again." Then she started laughing again.


I stood at the entrance of the Amusement park. Thanks to my sister, I was wearing a nice t-shirt, and my favourite pair of jeans. I hoped I didn't look stupid. I looked around for Corey and I started to panic. "Maybe she ditched me... Maybe it was all a joke... maybe she thinks i'm a loser!! maybe I should just go home." All of a sudden I heard my name. I turned around and saw Corey running towards me, and Joasia and Ryland trailing behind. Corey looked really cute in a pair of cutoff high-waisted shorts, a lace covered tank-top and converse. I was reeeeally glad my sister had told me NOT to wear a tux. Ryland was wearing jeans and a T-shirt too and Joasia looked adorable in a Summer dress, with capri's underneath. Her hair was done up in a ponytail, which I had never seen before. I was Amazed at how cute she looked. Suddenly Corey hit me in the back, and I turned beet red. Could Corey tell what I was thinking? uh-oh. I didn't know anything about dating, but I was pretty sure that you were in trouble if your date caught you checking another girl out. Corey grinned at me and said "Me and Ryland are going now. You and Joasia have fun!' Then she ran off, Dragging a very surprised Ryland with her. Joasia looked just as shocked as I did, and I guessed nobody knew that THAT was what Corey was planning for today. With a very worried expression Joasia walked up to me and pointed at Corey and Ryland, who were barely visable anymore and asked me "gdzie oni idą?" I blinked. what? what did she just say? suddenly I had a stroke of genius. I pulled out my phone and set it to google translate. I handed it to Joasia, ready to teach her how to use it. But to my surprise, she already knew how. It translated into  "where are they going?"  I typed in "um, I don't really know. I think they just ditched us." Joasia read it, then clasped her head and sat down at the nearest bench. she slumped down, looking glum. I sat down beside her and typed "well, as long as we're here, we should at least have some fun. How about going on that ride right there?" I handed it to her and after she read it, she looked up at me in disbelif. She typed "why are you doing this?"

" Doing what?" I asked "THIS!! Don't pretend to be nice to me. I know how you really feel. I saw you and your friends making fun of me." She looked like she was going to cry. "what? I wasn't making fun of you! my friends were making fun of me!" I typed back. Joasia read it and looked confused. She typed "But they were pointing at me and saying my name!'" "they were making fun of me I promise. They were teasing me, saying that... that I might like you." I Typed back, blushing. " Joasia looked shocked and started to blush as well, then typed  "I would love to go on that ride then." I grinned and we both ran to the ride.

Ryland's pov

After Corey dragged me off, I finally pulled myself free in front of the ferris wheel. "what's going on? I asked "I thought we were all going to hang out here at the amusement park!" Corey grinned and answered "It's a date!" I started to blush. "w-what?' I asked. Corey bent down and opened her backpack, pulling out a pair of binoculars "Let's go spy on them!' Corey exclaimed and dragged me behind a bush. she put her binoculars to her eyes and squealed "Look! They're exchanging his phone! that'a always a good sign! oh! look they're smiling! THEY'RE RUNNING TO THE TILT-A-WHIRL!! our work here is done! now let's go on some rides!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the roller coaster, laughing. I smiled and started to laugh too, looking forward to riding the roller coaster with Corey. She always has the funniest expressions when she's freaked out.

(A/N this won't be a long author's note, because I just want to let you know that onee-chan means big sister in japanese.

oh, and also to ask you what your favourite amusement park ride is! comment below!~

I love you all, thanks for reading!! And now, I shall leave! PEACE OUT!)

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