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Jimin takes shaky breaths and reminds himself to inhale and exhale, trying to calm himself down and digest the fact that someone grabbed and flung him into the janitor's closet. He roams his vision and tries to squint his eyes, trying to identify the culprit behind this stunt. He tries this multiple times but his shoulders eventually slump in defeat because there's just no way to identify who did this because of the absence of light that could have given him a hint. His instinct tells him that maybe, it could be Jeongguk but as he tries to locate the younger's familiar cologne, he fails and renders that the younger male could not be the culprit behind this.

He manages to continue banging on the door and shouting for help, hoping that someone passing by would hear his cries and would eventually open the janitor's closet for him. Seconds pass before his attention was snatched by the culprit by grasping his face, making his lips pucker. He managed to release a cry before saying, "What do you want from me?" He feels puffs of air being released near his face that causes him to shudder before hearing a deep, raspy voice. "My, my, is sweet Jimin scared? Where's Jeongguk huh? Not here to save you? Poor little thing," the culprit then quickly escapes the scene, being able to successfully exit the janitor's closet that made Jimin fail to even catch a glimpse of the culprit's face or even stature.

Jimin once again takes deep breaths and racks his brain because the voice oddly sounds familiar to him but he just can't pinpoint a face to it. He composes himself, wiping the tear tracks on his face and steps out of the janitor's closet. He tightly clutches his things to himself then, notices a fallen note on the floor.

He looks around at the hall, maybe someone had left it or dropped it? Deciding on it, he gently picks it up and opens it. Inside, the note reads, "Now that we've finally met, you're probably wondering who am I, right? Well, prepare yourself for one hell of a rollercoaster ride, dear. The game's just about to begin." The note ends with a twisted smiley face at the bottom right that makes Jimin sick to the bones. The feeling that the culprit was someone he knows, once again bugs him as he notices the familiar handwriting. A cold shiver runs down his spine as he tries to deny and cancel out the thoughts that this someone could do this to him. He couldn't do this. Right?

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