Unexpected visitor

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Imagine you lay face down on your bed, drowning in your emptiness. Your phone vibrates. Looking down you realize the text is from an upset, and homesick Dylan. During an interview for his upcoming movie "The Maze Runner" one of the press makes a comment saying Dylan "isn't talented and soon his luck will run out sending him back to flipping burgers for a living" An enraged Dylan storms out of the interview and immediately texts his beautiful gf (y/n) he says that he needs you, he needs to feel your soft kiss on his lips,to run his fingers over your moist skin. "I need you baby, I'm going crazy without you near me, without your thighs wrapped around my waist. I need you" he cries
You say your goodbyes as he heads back into interview. It's been weeks since you've seen each other, since you last kiss . Sinking in your bed your throw your phone across the room as tears and heart ache flow from your eyes. Hours later you awake. Its 1:02 am. Going to the kitchen you sigh as you prepare yourself for another night alone. "I fucking hate this, Dylan, I wish you were next to me, I wish you were here, baby, I need you.." Suddenly Strong arms snake around your body pulling you in while warm lips reach your ears "Maybe if you wish hard enough." The soft voice says. You spin around to see Dylan, bags in hand standing in front of you. "Dy-dy how did yo-" before you can finish he drops his bags, placing his hands to cheeks and presses his lips to yours, softly he pecks, once, twice, remembering your taste. Soon his tongue slowly makes its way across your lips asking for entrance, and of course you allow. For a moment your tongues dance together, tickling and tracing each others mouth, when it finally gets heated. Your tongues fight for dominance as the kiss grows stronger and your heart rate increases. Moving his arms to your thighs he lifts you to the counter. You make your way under his shirt and feel his chiseled structure as your lips move to his neck, nipping his collar bone. He moans in pleasure "ahh (y/n) you don't know how many nights I've dreamt about you" he says. Swiftly he unhookes your bra and slides a hand up hour shirt, caressing your tender aching chest, and uses the other to tilt back your head as he proceeds to kiss and suck down your neck. Your back arching from the pleasure . "Dylannn" you gasp. He spreads your legs wide as he slowly unbuckles your shorts, running his fingers all over your sizzling body. Stripping you down to your panties, he moves back to work on your neck. Your body growing hotter and hotter by the second you tug of his shirt, throwing it across the room, then move to his pants, you tease him alittle, caressing his excited member with your forefingers as he yells in pleasure "You little tease!" He whimpers, you laugh in satisfaction. He then takes his turn running his pinky under your dampened underwear, "someone's alittle excited aren't they?" He laughs. Your eyes rolling backward in absolute lust you whisper. "I cant, I can't Dylan, I can't take it anymore." In one solid movement he drops his boxers and slides your drenched undies to the side, with one quick push he enters, you both gasping from the pleasure. His thrusts, increase in speed as he clenches to your back,pulling you closer to his body. You breathe grows heavy, as your moans full the room. "I.Want.You.Forever." He says as he slams harder into you after ever word. After one last thrust your toes curl and your eyes water as you both try to catch our breathe. After a few minutes you look up to him and kiss his glistening forehead "forever, I'm yours" you say. You exchange one final passionate peck as he carries you bridal style to the bedroom, where you fall asleep into each others arms, exhausted.

Unexpected visitorWhere stories live. Discover now