Time to chill no disturbance✌️😜

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Aliyah's pov

I groaned for about the tenth time I couldn't hear what Jenelle was saying and I really wanted to know about the party this weekend , I heard they were getting a guest star and some students had been gossiping about who it could be and I wanted to know who it was, I hate being late on the juicy deeds I love to hear everything about a good party, and considering it's Shamar's party a rich hot jock on the school's football team that knows how to have a good time and spend his parents money like a fool, throws the best parties, no one ever missed his parties students basically looked out for invitations from him every two months , his parties were always off the hook and to go there this Saturday is my top priority and I'm  looking forward to get loose I've had a hard week at school after all😏.

"Aliyah can you hear me now, girl I've got to find the clothes I am going to wear and I've got to call Calela to find out if she's going so I don't got all day, I heard the guest star is Keith diffenderfer  at least I think that's how you say it"
" oh cut the crop you bought new clothes last week we spent 5 hours at the mall remember all because you wanted a lot of new dresses for God knows what reason so I know you've got clothes, and Of Course Calela Is Coming she won't miss that and what kind of guest star is that what's he gonna do tattoo my ass now bitch give me the real deal what artist is coming!"                                                                                                              
" okay I'll be honest mmmmmmmmmm." That's all I heard when my loud mouth brother and his friends began shouting and turning the sound system of the Xbox louder than before, that's been going on for the last God knows how many minutes could even be hours. I groaned again as I got up from my bed I hate leaving the comfort of my room in the early mornings I see it as torture to get up every day but the one fricking time we get a late shift to go to school at 12 because of a meeting or some issue at school, I barely paid any mind because it was like a little freedom where you could breathe and relax a bit but now it is ruined by my dumb brother and his friends I mean couldn't they find a different way to have fun than disturbing  my peacefulness.
I growled again as I heard one of them shouted out " Dude did you just see that I beat you and I didn't even have to use some nitro device I got bored as he started talking some games just don't impress me like the one they are playing now. It was something about death becomes unreal I don't remember the heading clearly but it was like a 3D game you join with other players online and play against each other, I heard some girls play it that would explain how they get to 'fuck' in the game, but I prefer reality sex not virtual sex it seems dumb and I still don't know why I am still thinking about this game, I glance at the pink and white clock decorated with purple flowers beside my bed, its 9am , I sighed thank God I can still get some peace.
" Bitch, Bitch are you fucking ignoring me" I furrowed my eye brows, wait what the.
"Shit sorry jay I just went off into a trance viewing different ways to strangle my brother he and his dumb friends " I said angrily I've really got a short attention span .
She laughed" Are they annoying you again? And you know they are smart and hot" she said exaggerating on the hot, she continued " so don't say they are dumb you think that they are.." I cut her off " yea at times right now they are bugging me and am gonna do something about it ttyl okay bye"
"0kay bye remember tell me what you wearing ".
"Okay "We ended the call, now to go and negotiate with those idiots , and by that I mean get everything my way.

IT ENDED WITH A BANGWhere stories live. Discover now