Annoyance is my Specialty

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Ryan's pov
Well the game is not that bad but it is not that exciting either, I think Max exaggerated a bit. I charged up my tanker, me and Max were going to war the others, since we were both on the same side. "BLAM!" There goes another explosion Dwayne just destroyed Max's fortress "dude I just beat you I didn't use my nitro x6 am scoring more points than you which means am getting that $20 and your all doing my homework for a month" I don't remember that being in the bet I remember the money part but doing work that's absurd I already hate doing mine why would I want to do more, and why doesn't he stop stating the obvious we already know who is winning. Well I would like to shut him up, I  aimed my tanker towards his fortress;it was well built but if you charge the cannon using the right sequence it can deliver a powerful blow and that's just what I did, Dwayne stared at the screen in horror I smirked guess he wasn't expecting that. Max started chuckling,"nice one" he commented moving his men towards my fortress since his was destroyed. "You don't seem all that cocky again Dwayne is all that fire gone" Max said teasing . " whatever, I'm gonna still win, I just didn't see that coming and I can still build back my fortress, I have enough points to do it after all" he stated smiling broadly,while his partner Malik high five him. I knew we were gonna regret putting two game heads on the same team, I sighed.
As we continued playing the game I realized my team would be second since the game nerds are doing so well they are bound to win. How great another ship sinked that's like the tenth one, I glared at Dwayne while he just smiled "revenge, ain't it sweet?"he stated then he just went on playing sinking both Kirk and Adrian's ships; that team is definitely coming last.
"Go on Malik turn it up" boosted Dwayne,"I really like when they say you loss, you were destroyed and best of all I fricking won, in y'all faces"
"Oh shut up that was just the ship section we can see who wins fighting in space and am gonna invite the other online players lets see if you can handle that"commented Max. Well that would be nice the more the merrier. Note the sarcasm. This could make us lose ,but ,I would like the challenge.
"I just hope they can bring a greater challenge than you guys, y'all so lame" stated Malik, "and don't forget boring too we could beat them in our sleep" added Dwayne. They were both so cocky. But we continued playing any ways with the online players, and that was a lot more fun than expected especially the babes, the girl players knew how to have fun with there avatars and pairing with some was much more exciting than I bargained for I almost got distracted sweet talking some girls till I almost got destroyed but I didn't care I got a few girls digits and some promising dates now who said this game wasn't fun😏😉.
"I won" Malik shouted, "You mean we won" Dwayne corrected him, and then they went on and on how much they achieved I tuned out most of it, since it was already obvious how much they got I mean it's on the flat screen tv it's hard to miss,they just wanna rub it in.
"Wow that's fascinating am sure you enjoyed playing that wonderful game that you all disturb my peace with" I heard Aliyah stated as she made her presence known, she seemed angry I wonder why." And now your shouting when your friends are like right in front of you" that's a good point I noted, "just so you could boast about some irrelevant bullshit from this game that is not even real I mean it's not bad you play the game BUT COULDN'T YOU TONE IT DOWN I MEAN SOME PEOPLE GOT A LIFE YOU KNOW,THAN JUST SOME DUMB GAME!" She finished ,well she is very angry but did she have to shout ,she is as loud as the damn sound system, geez.
"Shut up and stop whining this game is more exciting than your life now stop bothering us with your irrelevant attitude" her bro stated,now that's well said, she glared daggers at him.
"Your such a dick now turn down the damn sound system it's too loud and am upstairs and I can't even make a phone call, that's how loud it is!" Now that's just exaggerating.
"Fine you whining brat" her brother said turning down the sound system.Why couldn't she just say that without shouting her behavior was so irrelevant even though she is really pissed. I smirked,since she is already annoyed why don't I add to it, I'm ready for some realistic fun any ways virtual is getting boring . Besides annoying her is my specialty and it'll be far more entertaining 😏😜.
"You know you are annoying though? That out burst was not necessary."I said, her gaze shifted to me I could practically see the fire in her eyes, I resisted smiling I wonder when she would realize I just like to rile her up.
"Do you have a problem with every thing I do?" I was about to answer but then she appeared to be deep in thought. But before she could talk again her brother beat her to it.
"You can leave now" he stated ,she looked at him "whatever, now you answer me" she turned her attention to me again" why do I annoy you so much ?" She quoted annoy obviously she wasn't taking this seriously.
" I don't have to answer to you, now you can leave" I said relaxing, it's all a matter of mind games.
"You don't control me, now you answer my question". She said with attitude.
" I don't have to" I shrugged she is so easy to anger, "now can we continue our game?" I know she doesn't like to be ignored so I know this just adds to her bitterness right now.
"No! I want answers, now tell me" she said. Wow she really misunderstood, I smiled she wasn't paying attention to who the question was directed to.
"Sweetheart I was not talking to you I was inquiring it to your brother" I smiled broadly with satisfaction when her face flushed slightly,she was embarrassed,but she covered it by glaring.  "You know what screw you🖕" she angrily stated. But I never faltered one bit. "Now that was rude you should" and I never got to finish because of her brother, well he loves to interrupt, I just tuned out what he said, most of it was directed to Ally any ways. But at least she agreed to leave so we continued playing, then we took a break to eat some food we were hungry after all.
While in the kitchen we began to talk about the upcoming party, I'm positive Ally is going she never misses a good party she makes it her main job to go, like there is nothing more to life.

🎶lets go to the beach,each
Let's go get a wave
They say, what they gonna say?
Have a drink,clink,found the bud light
Bad bitches like me, is hard to come by🎶
Even from downstairs I could hear her chorusing  Nicki Minaj's song starships, it was seriously one of her favorites maybe because it was more of a party song and she loves those. "Hey Ryan which babe you taking to the party" Max asked interrupting my thoughts. I glanced at him, a date? I seriously didn't thought about it before, but no sweat finding a date would be easy.
"Am taking one of the online players in the game, you know the chick Sofia?"
"Yea the one with that hot kunoichi." (A/N female ninja).
"Yea, and she is hot in reality, she's on the cheerleading squad." 
"Cool, you can ask her at school, now we have about 2 hours until we have to report to Polytech high school" he said looking at his watch.
"why so formal?,it is our school"
"I don't know maybe I like it" he shrugged
"Hey you guys wanna go shoot some hoops" Kirk asked
"Sure" me and Max agreed and we made our way to the back yard, it was big enough to play a game and good enough to have some fun.

IT ENDED WITH A BANGWhere stories live. Discover now