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"Put him on the secret ground." Father whispered at my mother."And you hide off."

My mother nodded, then she sends me to a different room, gently pushing my shoulders.

"Ritsu, honey, stay down there till I say so. Make sure you don't take off that jacket either." She instructed as removed the rug and revealed a trap door.

A tug of the door and it was opened. She guided for me to enter. I did what I was told, then she kissed my forehead and shut the door. Dust trickled as she put the rug back to its place.

I held onto the jacket tightly since it was getting cold. The scent was overpowering since it smelled a lot like Father.

"What are you doing here?" I heard my father say casually.

"You should know why I'm here." A deep and husky voice growled.

It made my skin crawl in fear as I heard the voice.

"I don't kn-"

"We know about your affair with that human. Rumor has it you had a child. You know what consequences lie ahead. You die." The voice warned him.

"The rumors are fake." My father said after a thick amount of silence. "But I was in an affair with someone. "

Another cold silence.



"Where is that woman?!" He cut him off. "It's either you die or that woman! You know exactly why we can't interfere with humans! If I fi-"

He went silent, then he walked towards to the room where I was in.

My heart was beating loudly that it drummed in my ears. As I stayed still, the man was walking around the room, sending little creaking sounds from the floor.

"I thought I smelled something..." The same voice but louder this time.

"Chief, I can't let you kill her." My father said. His footsteps just right above me.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"She isn't human either but she isn't exactly one of us. I'm asking for you to spare her." My father pleaded to him.

"What is she, then?" Chief asked.

There was a cloud of silence in the air. I could feel my heart racing. The thought of them finding me, sent me shivers through my spine. The noise that I made didn't let me hear their conversation. I heard a growl and then a snap with a 'thud' of something falling.

"-ind it-"

I managed to hear.

I felt the thudding of footsteps meeting the ground and heard the opening of doors and cabinets.

Then I heard a shriek.

"No!" I heard my mom shout. "RUTO! "

There was something dripping through the floorboards. The scent was almost sweet and a drop landed on my face.

"So you're the one." Chief said.

"You monster!" She shouted at Chief. More of this weird and mysterious liquid dripping on me.

"Dispose of it. I don't care how you do it. We need to get rid of its existence." Chief said in a harsh and cold tone.

"NO! LET GO!" She shrieked.

'Mom...? Dad...?' I thought.

"LET GO! Ruto..." Her voice faded.

"We searched around the house." Another voice came in. "There was an extra room with children toys, Sir. But there was nothing else important inside the room."

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