Chapter Fourteen: Drunk and Confused.

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Sorry for being your cockblocker. But enjoy this chapter.

He pinned me to the flour, the scent of alcohol radiating my nose.

"T-Takano?!" I said in a panicked tone.

He didn't say anything, his eyes showed plain lifeless eyes. Expressing sadness, lonlyness, fear, and other emotions I never thought I'd see mixed in one.

"You don't know.....I don't......see you.....that way." He said.

He looked tired and fell on me. I blushed as I realized he's sleeping.

"You have to be kidding me," I said out loud.

The only room close to the door was mine. My blush deepened when I had the thought about the beds earlier.

'Did I jinx myself or something?!' I thought.

I squirmed out from under his grip and managed to get on my feet.

The heat in my cheeks rose up as I kept thinking.

"I have no choice do I?" I asked myself.

With a sigh, I got his body. He was heavy. I grunted as I dragged him to the room.

Thats when the harder challenge came. Get him on the bed. I groaned and picked up his upper body. I got on the bed and picked him up, I succeeded in that. Now for his lower body.

After that I was panting and looked at the progress of this challenge I made.


He's fine.

I walked out and went to the kitchen, getting my coffee.

Why did he get drunk? The thought angered me. He got drunk! Good thing that he was sleepy, I'm still wondering what he was trying to do to me.

'N-not that I wanted to know,' I blushed.

Ugh! I'm bringing myself up in false hope! Its almost eleven.

Where will I sleep? I really don't want to sleep in the same bed with him.

I can't sleep in his bed because it's just weird, his scent is in there and I'll end up aroused. I already explained his blood is almost like a drug, so deal with it.

The unknown feeling of him, it's growing worse. He's making me feel pain every time I'm close. And I can't handle it, then again I want to be close.

I blushed, I can't handle this. I need to find a way, to see Misaki. I can't stay with him forever.

The thought of of not staying made me feel uneasy.

I can't sleep on the couch, even a half Vampire like me can get sick.

I paced back and forth in the kitchen, and I finally accepted to sleep in the same bed.

He won't do anything, so there is nothing to worry about. I blushed as that thought disappointed me more.

'No, you're not expecting anything. Your not in love.' I thought.

I blushed as these unknown feelings are getting the best of me.

Finally, I rested beside him. I can't look at him, so I turned to my other side so I wouldn't see him.

With that, the dizzines of sleep took me over.

Takano Masamune

I felt warmth, and it felt strangely good. I still felt that headache when I was drinking last night. So part of my body was still asleep. Slowly waking up.

I finally felt my body waking up, but I didn't feel like opening my eyes. I'm to lazy too.

But I did feel my arm hugging someone.

Did I get tagged by someone and they took advantage of me or something?

Still lazy to wake up, I pulled closer this person. Since it was getting cold and I'm lazy.

I heard soft breathing, and I noticed how the persons body fit with mine easily.

"Mmm" I heard a moan, then the shift of turning over. Then a relaxed breath, continuing the soft breathing.

Without actually thinking, I pushed the body closer to mine. And felt the urge to do something. Anything. But I'm to lazy at the moment.

"Mmm....what?" That voice was a little high pitched, and the movement proved that person was getting up.

A moment later, I heard a scream and a loud thud, proving someone fell.

This time, I lazily opened one eye to see a familiar room. It wasn't a hotel, that's for sure.

I groaned and finally got up, looking around to see its the guest room.

And the only person using this room is.....Oh fuck.

I looked to ser Takahashi on the ground holding his chest and having a blush on his face.

"Ritsu?" I asked, still groggy from waking up.

He blushed harder and looked away.

"Y-you got drunk l-last night." He said.

"I realized," I said as I massaged my forehead.

"A-and y-you.....inned me....." he continued with a whisper.

"What?" I asked.

He blushed. "N-never mind. I-it doesn't m-matter."

"Why am I in your room?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Y-you feel asleep w-while you.......uh...." he tried to find the right words.

"Just say it." I said.

"You're heavy! And it was the closest room!" He shouted with the blush stuck on his face.

He never shouted before, well not to me.

"I get it. Geez," I said as I went out of the from, shutting his door.

What I did next caught me off guard; I covered my mouth and felt my face heat up. What threw me off was that my chest was beating too loud and too quick for me to keep up.

"What the hell." I told myself and finally went to my room.

Sorry it's shorter than my other chapters. But that's all for today.

Part of me wanted to make him a horny little bastard, but had to hold back. We're not there yet. 😜.

Bye, Yaoi_Treasure.

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