Chapter One: Racing and Meeting

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I ran as fast as I could in the forest, the speed incredible to me and the breeze that left me amazed. But I had to be careful.

The sound of leaves crunching behind me made me want to run faster. Trees we're coking on the way that I had to turn right.

I took a quick peek behind me, he is still behind me and running at the same speed. I felt something causing me to look. Everything was in slow motion, and I was falling to the ground. My foot was meeting a tree root, causing the reason to fall.

Instantly, my face hit the ground. The moist dirt and grass brushing against my skin. I looked up to see him facing me, his teeth baring and growling.

My wide eyes told everything.

I smiled and let out a laugh.

He looked at me as if 'what is so funny?' Kind of way.

"You win, Misaki" I said as I sat down, letting my back rest against the tree's trunk.

Misaki gave a pout in his form and shifted to his human form.

"Oh hush it!" He said.

I got my backpack that I had, and opened it to reveal a pair of clothes.

"Here, I can't stand seeing you naked." I said as I threw him a shirt, shorts, boxers, and a pair of shoes.

"I can't help it! Niichan won't tell me how to get the clothes to be part of the skin. Because I'm running out of clothes." He blushed.

"Why not ask Iijuin? He is one of you guys," I said as I pulled out a book from the bag.

"I can't! I know he's busy making the manga due tomorrow." He said as he slipped on his boxers.

I read the text on the book, a habit I grew to do when I race with Misaki.

"Well, ask when his free days are." I suggested.

"I can't do that! It makes me sound like some chick desperate for a date. I don't want him to think that of me," he said as he put on his shorts.

"If you want to learn you can always risk some things to learn it." I said as I read the next text.

"Easy for you to say, your a vampire!" He said as he slipped on his shirt.

"Half! You know that my heart beats too!" I said as I grasped the book tightly, making the cover bend a bit. I tlinhaled and exhaled, then relaxed back against the tree.

"Whatever! So what! Your half human and half vampire. Now that I think about it, I forgot that Niichan isn't coming home until late at night tonight." He said.

"Takahiro did say he had a meeting in Osaka and it might take him a while until he comes back." I said remembering what he told us this morning.

"Okay okay. Ne Ritchan, wanna go to the store and buy some food for me to make?" Misaki smiled as his curious eyes brought my attention.

I groaned. I can't say 'no' to that.

"Oh alright. But I'm not paying!" I pointed at him.

"Yay! What do you want? Meat? Lasagna? Pasta? Chicken Alfredo?" Misaki said, making every option my mouth water.

"How about a little of each?" I asked.

"Sure! You are getting thinner. Did Niichan give you blood yet?" Misaki asked.

The word still made me shutter.

"N-no. Refrigerated blood isn't good when it's almost like shaved ice." I said. The foul taste still in my mouth.

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