He hails from a little river town and knows that in order for the one person he wants to notice him he has to do the unthinkable.
Is he ready? Can he pull it off?
All he knows is that he has to try to earn the love of the object of his affection.
He had been here many times, and he was trying to stay out of sight. He knew there were plenty of people who would kill him if they got the chance. He had been out of town for nearly thirty years and there were a multitude of reasons for the things that he had done. There were people who would never forget him. People who hated him.
The passion with which they hated him was the worst part of it.
He had never understood the things that came his way. He was not the kind of person to hold a grudge but he knew the people of this town. The more he worked, the worse things got for him. He was a good guy, and had always tried to work with people.
He was hiding in the old power plant.
He had grown up in this area and he had to believe that if there was any good place to hide it would be here.
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There was something mythical about the place. He should have known that someone would eventually spot him. He had been on the run from the men who ran the ferry down between Missouri and Illinois. There were a lot of places to go, but he was hoping that no one would take the time to even look here.
He had heard every line in the book. There had to be something to it.
In the corner of the office there was a picture hanging on the wall. It was an old picture. It looked like something taken in the late 1800s. It may have even been before that.
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Infact as he looked closer he could see the year inscribed on the bottom of it. 1865. Wow the picture was still in damn good shape for how old it was. Maybe it was the fact it hadn't been exposed to the air in such a long time.
Brutus, that is what he had taken to calling himself, well, he was the kind of man who was amazed at what people left behind sometimes. It was nice to know that there were people who were willing to talk about anything. The longer he had to run the better odds he had of getting away from the things that he had done. He knew that he had killed a man, and he knew if anyone ever caught him, well, he wasn't going to have much to really say about things.
There were just so many risks involved.
He had taken off several days ago. He had become the one person that had a conscience. It was strange to think of such a thing.
He knew he would eventually have to face the hangman's noose, but he was going to run until them.
There were a lot of people who would have said there were a million people who would say that he did it, even if he were completely innocent. He really was not the bad guy. Not this time. He'd had enough. It was strange to think that there were people who wanted to think that he was as bad as his twin brother.
"I am going to get you, Samuel, if it is the last thing I do!"
Brutus was sure that the river would provide him with just what he needed, a place to hide. He needed more than that, he needed food. He had been on his brother's trail now for ten years, and he had wanted him to just give up.
"Brutus, you will not get away with any of this."
"How dow you figure?"
"Because we all know who is guilty of doing the terrible things that have been happening. Only one person is capable of that, and that shapes up to be you."
"You never were the kind to trust people, that was unless they paid you to keep quiet."
"Are you saying that I blackmailed people?"
"Yes, Samuel, that is exactly what I am saying."
"You will never truly know me, Brutus. It is not possible for you to not trust me and to be loyal to me when you have been this way."
"I don't want to be your friend."
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Brutus could almost remember all of the scene as it had played out. Samuel, well, he had finally given up. Brutus had been free for the most part. He was still the man the police thought had taken the life of a family who lived along the river.
He could never prove that he was not the one who'd done it. In a way he wanted to pin it on his brother, but he knew what that would bring. It would bring Samuel back into the picture and that was the last thing he wanted. The. Very. Last. Thing.
Maybe one day he would be able to forgive his brother, but that was an issue these days. He wasn't forgiving anyone.