The housewarming~

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Next morning Frisk woke up, feeling exhausted and sore in all of her body. When she opened her eyes the first thing she saw was the sleeping prince hugging her in his sleep. she blushed deeply and hugged him back only to find him pulling her closer. 

After a while Frisk had almost fallen back asleep when she was woken op by Asriel kissing her neck softly. "Good morning my love~" He said sleepily as he hugged her even tighter. "G-good morning" 

They lay in bed for another whole hour before any of them realised what time it was, and what day it was, but at the time they realised it was almost too late.

they were cuddling in bed, as Frisk was way too sore to even get up. Asriel was just telling Frisk about how the underground was holding up when someone knocke don the door. Asriel flinched and looked at Frisk's exposed body, quickly pulling the duvet over her as he got up and got dressed. 

When he ran down and opened the door he saw a flood of familar faces peeking at him, that's when he looked at the clock and realised what time it was. The housewarming... already.. 

He led people inside the house and let them peek around, said hi to everyone, and was just about to show them around when he realised... Frisk...

He excused himself and ran to his room, quickly putting one of his hoddies over Frisk's naked body, and gave her a pair of jeans on as well. Frisk who was still too weak to walk, got to ride on Asriel's back as he got downstairs again and let everyone around the house.

When they asked about Frisk he simply just answered she'd come eraly and because of the long journey she'd just collapsed on his sofa, and now he carried her since she was still exhausted.

As the evening past they all said their goodbye's and Frisk and Asriel was left alone in the living room. Cuddling and watching a movie. Asriel had suggested they could 'have fun' again this evening, but Frisk had to admit she needed a break before they could continue their little playtime. 

Frisk ended up falling asleep in Asriel's arms and he sat for a long time staring at the girl, and her chest against his, made him feel... complete. 

After a while of caressing Frisk's sleeping body, be fell asleep.

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