Chapter Seven

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Guilt pulsed through Stormpaw as she was shoved into the open gap in the wall. Why didn't I do something? Stormpaw demanded. Patch shoved her down a small decline and a moment later, bright light filled her eyes. An unnatural sun hung from the ceiling. A large wooden surface sat in the middle of the enclosed clearing. On the surface sat a large mottled tom. His eyes were narrowed as they examined the newcomers.

"Where is Snake," the tom's deep growl rang through the nearly empty enclosure. Patch dipped his head.

"Disposed of. He failed his duties," Patch reported, flicking his tail at Stormpaw's cheek. Stormpaw wanted to protest in the dead cat's defense, but kept her jaws shut out of fear.

"What a shame," the mottled tom growled. "He had potential. You may leave now, Patch." Patch dipped his head and padded out, leaving Stormpaw alone with the mottled cat.

"So," the tom spoke up, his deep voice seeming to have a permanent growling to it. "I hear you're a Clan cat, are you not?"

What do I do? Stormpaw thought with panic. Should I play it out? I can't just give my Clan away like this!

"N-no," Stormpaw muttered quickly. "I'm a rouge."

"Then why do you have Clan scent on you and why were you found with a Clan cat?" the tom hissed.

"I-I was simply passing through and the Clan cat stopped me," Stormpaw lied quickly.

"Interesting." the tom growled, settling back down. He seemed to contemplate her story. "Very well. Leave me now," he growled, swishing his tail towards the entrance. "Send Patch in for further instructions."

Stormpaw didn't need to be told twice. She turned and bolted out of the den. She skidded to a halt at the entrance and padded through.

"Y-Your leader needs you," she meowed quietly. Patch turned and padded inside, not uttering another word. Stormpaw looked around and saw the body of Snake. The tom's lime green eyes were half open and glazed. Blood had dried in the corner of his lip. Stormpaw winced at the sight.

"He was a good cat," a soft voice made Stormpaw jump. She turned around quickly to see the light gray and white cat. Her eyes were full of grief. "He didn't deserve to die. Not a death like that."

Stormpaw didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. She simply let out a loud sigh. The she-cat's ears flicked.

"You're not from around here," the cat commented. Stormpaw blinked.

"I actually don't know where I am anyways, besides the fact that I'm in a Twolegplace," Stormpaw sighed. The gray she-cat's ears flicked in understanding.

"I felt the same when I first came here."

"What's your name? I'm Storm-" Stormpaw held back the 'paw' in fear of giving herself away.

"Moon," the she-cat replied. The two didn't converse anymore when Patch appeared.

"Move," he growled, shoving Stormpaw towards the alley exit.

"Where are we going?" Stormpaw asked. Patch didn't answer. Instead, he walked to the left, the opposite direction from where they had come from. Fear leapt in her chest. No! How are Lapis and Adder going to find me now?!

Patch lead her to the next alley over. There was a rancid smell in the air; the very smell made Stormpaw's nose crinkle. A small, hollow cube sat inside.

"You'll be staying here for the next few days," Patch growled. He turned and walked out. "Don't try anything stupid. The guards will be here within moments."

Stormpaw sighed, turning and padding towards the cube-like object. She poked the floor surface with a paw. It was soggy, giving off a weird feel. The texture sent shivers through Stormpaw. So, instead, she curled up next to it. She rested her head, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

"Psst! Stormpaw! Wake up!" a small hiss in Stormpaw's ear forced her awake. She blinked open her eyes and saw the face of Adder. Relief flooded through her.

"Adder!" she breathed quietly. "You found me! How did you know where I was?"

"We know a few cats," Lapis' soft voice meowed. "Now come on. We're going to get you out of here now."

Stormpaw got up and stretched, yawning silently before padding after Lapis, while Adder took the rear.

"Careful now," Lapis whispered. "The guards are asleep. We have to move quickly and quietly." Sure enough, the guards were fast asleep. Stormpaw felt a pang of pity as she walked passed their sleeping forms. She wouldn't want to be stuck all night just sitting there either! She padded out of the alley.

"Alright. Let's go," Adder meowed quietly, taking the lead. Stormpaw nodded and followed him. They moved at a fast pace, keeping out of sights of wandering night cats or night patrols. Soon, they were at the edge of Twolegplace.

"This is where we bid you farewell," Lapis meowed as they slowed. "If you head straight and walk diagonally to the right when you find the barn, you should come across a moor on the lakeside. From then on..." she trailed off as if in thought. At once, Stormpaw had an idea what she was talking about. She was describing WindClan territory.

"I know where to go after that," Stormpaw meowed. She gave her friend a flick of her tail on her ear. "Thank you for all of your help. It's too bad we won't be able to get to know one another better."

"Don't worry," Adder gave her a toothy grin. "I'm sure we'll meet again someday. But we should get going, it'll be dawn soon and we don't want to be caught. So get going! Kay?"

Stormpaw smiled back, flicking his ear with her tail. "Maybe. Bye!" she mewed as she leapt into the fronds. Stormpaw ran from there on. She ran as fast as she could, feeling leaves and the wind whip across her face. She broke through the forest and looked down the hill she stood on. Hills rolled in the distance, the faint sight of further forests in the far distance of the dawn light. Stormpaw sighed as she climbed down the hill. She had a long way to go until she could get home. But she was willing to travel the distance if it meant getting home and getting help like Foxspots had said.

Lies, Secrets, and the Storm | Book One of the LSatS TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now