Chapter 2: The Newspaper Article

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Meanwhile at the game shop, Yugi's Grandpa, Solomon Muto, was standing behind the counter reading the newspaper. Ever since he was a child he had a great interest in ancient Egyptian artifacts, and from that interest, he once lead an excavation team in Egypt where he had found the Millennium Puzzle that now belongs to Yugi. But he now sells Duel Monster cards at his own game shop, takes care of his grandson, along with teaching the younger generation the game of Duel Monsters. As he looked the paper over, his eyes went wide as they landed on a certain article. The article in question read,

"Come to the museum and check out our newest additions!

Some of these artifacts are said to have once belong to an ancient royal family.

Stop by and see what they are about.

"It's about time they added something new there," Solomon said as he nodded in approval , but when he saw the picture by the article, he couldn't help but do a double take. The picture showed a book that looked a bit like that like the Millennium Items with a Udjat in the middle of it, "What, that looked like a Millennium Item, but wasn't there only suppose to be only seven items? This is something that I better check out." He then put the newspaper away, closed up the shop and headed over to the museum without knowing that he will be meeting up with Yugi and his class.


Off somewhere else, an ancient entity floated in fount of some viewing screens watching Solomon make his way to the museum. After a bit, the being brought his attention to another screen that showed Danny and his friends walking into the museum. The being then tapped his staff onto the ground and said, "It is time..."


Well here is the next chapter of Pharaoh Phantom. Sorry that it took so long for me to upload this short chapter and sorry about it being short, but I was busy working some other fanfiction on here, along with some other things, and so yeah. Anyways, I hope that you are enjoying this so far!

Until next time, Flare, over and out!

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