Another Random Skit but might end up being canon to the story

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Guess Whats Back!

I decided to put dicarded Ideas when I end the series so Ill just make you all wait plus next chapter will be in a word... Very...Very... Smutty *starts maniacally laughing*


IRL: ugh I'm bored

Chara & Austin: same

IRL: I say we all go out y'know have a great time and shit

Austin: actually me and Asriel have practice today so yeah... Plus you two have yet to go out by yourselves

Chara: well he does have a point IRL

IRL: you know what? Fuck it lets go

An Hour Later...
*at Grillby's, Charas drunk*

IRL: you ok?

Chara: *arm around IRLs neck and holding a mug of beer in the air* WOOH!

Another Hour Later...
*at Ice cream parlor*
Chara: Chocolate cone please

IRL: I will take a recess peices concrete please

*Chara got her Ice cream and IRL got his shake and went to sit down*

Chara: *licking ice cream* so how the date been

*IRL felt his sins crawling on his back*

IRL: oh yeah I-I'm fine

Yet Another Hour Later...
*in woods*
IRL: hey wanna see me pitch a tent?

Chara: *blushing* uhh... S-Sure?

IRL: Alright *folds up a tent and throws it* there you go

Chara: oh... I will say though that was funny

IRL: what do you mean? Did you think I ment something else?

Chara: a little bit yeah

IRL: wow Chara I thought you would at least wait till we got home or later tonight

Chara: oh shut up *hits playfully*

And Yet Another Hour Later...
*back at the house*

IRL: we need to do that again sometime

Chara: yeah we really need to

Austin: well I bet you two had fun while I was here getting stuff done

Chara: alright I think I might take a shower I'll be right back *leaves room*

Austin: well bro if you wanna get laid nows your chance

IRL: and how do you expect me to do that?

Austin: steal her clothes while she's in the shower plus you know Chara doesn't know where we put the towels plus we dont have robes so yeah thats how

IRL: I'm not sure though I'll consol with Actual me so yeah

Austin: I'm pretty sure he will be fine with it plus do this for me as a favor because I'm going with Papyrus to a spagetti convention tomorrow so by the time I come back I want to see you with no virginity

IRL: you know what your right I got this I am Determined to do so

Austin: you do know that was Frisks line from book 1 right?

IRL: yeah so Shut up!

IRL: *walks to bathroom door* Alright Austin you got this remember the stealth games you've played you got this *slowly opens door* ok you got this... *succesfully gets Charas spare clothes* ok now to get out *slowly closes bathroom door* ok now the Bedroom! *runs to bedroom*

A few minutes later... Getting tired yet
Chara: Where the fuck are my clothes? *finds a note from IRL*

Dear Chara
If you want your clothes there in my room so yeah I suggest you get them

Chara: oh god it's happening welp might as well go along with it *walks to IRLs room*


Chara: *speaking loudly* hmm I wonder where my clothes may be?

IRL: hey maybe I could be hiding them somewhere

To Be Continued... If ya want

IRL: Oh come on I was about to get laid

Well Life isn't fair so you can suck on a big ol bag of dicks but lets hear what the readers think cause I'm going them the decision of delaying your virginity being broke or speeding it up

IRL: seriously

Chara: but back to dicks... now thats a Saturday night for me

I'm just gonna end the chapter here before this gets any weirder


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