listen up

14 1 1


'hey nick get up' 

'nick get up their coming'

'nick their almost here' 


*end dream*

"ah" i wisper screamed

"what!" my best friend ricky scream grabbing her gun and pointing into the morning light coming in the window.

"just havin that dream again..." i sighed getting up

"nicole maybe you should talk to someone about this." ricky said setting her gun down the grabbing her knife and getting up.

"no then i would apear weak and the last thing we need is a weak leader."i said walking into the closet which we keep all things we own

i threw on some camo jeans, a grey tank  with the word army spralled across it and some black militery boots brushed my long blond hair, grabed my pocket knife, amo strip which i threw over my shoulder, pistol, and ak47 and ran out of the building

i ran strait to the guard towers, up the stairs and into the first tower.

"hey nick ." my dear friend zac said staring down at the open terrain

"hi zac, whats going on."

"the walker's haven't shown up in hours, central clan 1 is havin trouble, some idiot shot himself and now the creatures are crowd'n." zac grimised

" did he die yet." i said blankly lookin into the horison

"no... and the idiots haven't thrown him out or shoot him in the head... its like they want to die."

"well theres a good chance they do. in which case they want us to die as well... the mother fuckin idiots are givin-"

"shit their comin."he yelled running to the alarm "PULL OUT MEN FIRE THE CANON" he screamed over the inter com 

walker's their comin' and their comin fast 


" damn they came fast!" ricky said walking in and smacking zac upside the head

"ow what was that for."

"oh man up"

"im man"

"oh yeah"

"shut up you to, ur actin' like an old married couple." i snaped " looks like it was mason and his diciples." i said looking out the window to see mason and his gang

Mason is head of hunting he goes out kills the food brings it back 

"hey nick you'll never guess what i found today."



i am 21st century dumbass writing a story to dumbasses by a dumbass

im not quite sure if i spelt diciples right so if you no how to spell it please tell me ok

21st century dumbass signing off

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