Doctor Who Regeneration

35 3 4

Dear Time Traveller
Hello and welcome to Doctor Who Regeneration, which is full of the best stuff about Doctor Who Page & Doctor Who - it also includes interviews, games, facts & more! This Issue looks at the Scariest Episodes Yet... All my thoughts are on "Listen" Anyway, Enjoy this monthly Issue and see you in August...

             Editor - Doctor Who Page


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Doctor Who Page is going CRAZY this Summer! The Page is getting a lot bigger & better for the 2nd Summer Of Doctor Who Page! Monsters will invade the page and have massive takeovers, and DWP could well be expecting a FanSeries very soon...

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Doctor Who - Scariest Adventures!
Doctor has kept viewers behind sofas with all different sorts of monsters and villains - But which ones are the SCARIEST! - Let's see DWP Thoughts?
(Not in order)

Night Terrors - As we look back on Series 6, we see a very scary Episode indeed! The Episode was based on a little boy who had bad dreams which turned into the doctor going inside one. We saw the first appearance of a mister called the Pegdolls which we creepy and laughed and ask people if they wanted to play with them - they even managed to turn the Companion, Amy into a Pegdoll


Kill the Moon - The Doctor traveled to the moon with Clara and a student at Coal Hill... They came across the deadliest Spiders hiding there... One of them attacked the Doctor and Student Courtney, luckily they pulled through!


Listen - The Episode brought many viewers to screens to see a scary episode with childhood Danny Pink & Clara seeing the Doctor as a little boy!
The Episode wasn't just scary, it was also very Wibbly, Wobbly, Timey, Wimey - And if you ask me... I bet nobody went to sleep afterwards!


The Angels take Manhattan - Another wonderful appearance of a popular monster... The Weeping Angels, who came to New York and took the ponds away from the Doctor forever - The Episode was very SCARY, but also super SAD! Amy & Rory left our screens, angels moving all over the place, the last page & the return of River Song! I thought a lot of this Episode!


The Name of the Doctor - Back in 2013, the BBC aired "The Name of the Doctor" - a very useful episode telling secrets of the Doctor's past! Another appearance of River Song & also Vastra, Strax & Jenny! - The doctor went to his grave and his name was discovered... The Monster "The Whisper Men" were very good, but also super creepy and tryed to kill all of the Doctor's friends!


A New Series!
Doctor Who has began the Adventures back in the Time Machine with the New Companion, Pearl Mackie! In the first Episode, they will be joined by past character, Matt Lucas - Who seems very excited about getting the part... The Who team have had pictures and videos released from on set from the First Episode & onwards, Will Episode 1 have a water monster ?

Thank You Pearl Mackie!
Thank You very much to the latest companion, Bill who is played by the wonderful Pearl Mackie, who has just recently followed me on Doctor Who Page - Best Wishes for the future and keep following me Pearl - Very Happy!

Doctor Who Regeneration - Issue 3 - July Where stories live. Discover now