No One will Ever Know~(Dirty One Direction imagines)

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Hello my lovelies as i said before i was going to make a dirty imagine for all you Harry girls out there so..............HERE IT IS! I hope you enjoy (The Coffie Shop)!

Happy reading;)

Y/n's POV.

' I never understood what love was really like, but i felt it for the first time looking in your eyes', my iphone played as i made my way to the little coffie shop, not far from my flat. Every morning before i went to school I would always come here to grab a carmel latte and a bagel with cream, and let me tell you it was a thousand times better than any old Starbucks we had around here in London for sure! my feet scuffed agaist the sidewalk pavement as I was a mere inches away from the door, soon closing it behind me as I entered the little building.

Harry's POV.

Man performing at last nights concert can sure take it out of you, I thought to myself as i pondered weather or not to get out of the comforting bed I lay in at the hotel room the lads and I were staying at in London, England. If you are wondering what had awoken me it was Niall's crazy , loud singing in the shower. Man that boy sung loud. If anyone was loudest in the shower while singing out of all the lads it was Niall. I took a deep sigh before dragging myself out of the bed which still held in my warmth from where I had layed there for so long, trudging to the toilet to get ready for the day. As I did so a creepy evil grin appeared on my face as I had just realized Niall was still in the shower, his loud singing still echoing throughout the hotel room. I had an idea. I made my way to the toilet pulling the knob down to cause it to flush. As soon as I did so I scrambled out of the toilet as fast as my legs would carry me, rummaging behind the bed. "AHHHHHHH!", "HARRRRYYY!", Niall shouted plumitting face down on the floor as he took quick actions to get out of the shower. " Your gonna get it mate!", he shouted. Right then and there I knew I shouldn't have pulled that little stunt but hey, he was singing in there so loud it's like he wanted to wake me up. "You woke me up!" I shouted back, taking action to sheild myself with the pillow I had just grabbed from my bed. " Well so what if I like to sing in the shower, at least I don't sing and dance in there unlike you!", he stated as he took the action of grabbing a pillow as well. Before I knew it, we were having a full on pillow fight, no one stopping us. Finally there was a knocking on the room door causing Niall and I to stop what we were doing immediately. As I scrambled to the door I saw Niall make a b-line for the toilet. Hogging bastard, I jokingly thought to myself causing me to deeply chuckle before I opened the door to see an impatient looking Zayn. Shit. "Harry, it is 9 am and you aren't even dressed! What the hell! And where's Niall! We have to be out of this hotel by 9:30 to move to our new one closer to the stadium! Hurry!", I stood there mouth agape as Zayn spoke having no clue that we needed to be out by that time. "Well?", Zayn trailed off motioning to mine and Niall's closet filled with our belongings. "Oh, right", I spoke, making my way to the closet doors, grabbing my suitcase and lying it on my bed. "Niall! Come on mate! We need to be out of here in 10! C'mon!". "Oh shit!", I heard Niall mumble causing me to smirk at his lame choice of language. Soon enough, just before I had slipped my coat on, Niall rushes out of the ensure running to the closet grabbing his suitcase searching for his boxers and clothing. "Niall! C'mon we've got to go! We have five minutes before we need to check out!", Zayn urges trying to find some way to rush Niall out of the room as I start to walk and make my way towards the lobby. As I reach the elevator, I hear Zayn and Niall shouting for me to wait and let them on. I do so, and by the time they arrive, both of them are panting, Zayn placing his hands on his knees, bending down trying to catch his breath, I chuckle watching both take in more breath before Zayn speaks, "Niall wouldn't hurry and get his fat arse out of the room, so we had to literally sprint to catch you at the elevator Harry!", "Well you were rushing me! And when I'm rushed I tend to be slower so, there!", Niall bites back Zayn soon rolling his eyes playfully right after. Suddenly the door slides open, and we make our way out. I soon see the rest of the guys scattered at the customer service desk, me, Zayn, and Niall making our way over to them.

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