MY HERO ~ Liam imagine

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Ok guys so I've decided to hold of on 'The Coffee Shop' because I wanted to be the rotten person I am and wait to create a part two and be a tease ;) welp I promise part two is coming soon. Anywhoo I decided to make an imagine, well at least, in my opinion that's different, which I am more than certain that is.

You know how people make all these imagines that have vampires, werewolves, and all of those other fiction characters that they place our boys in? Well I want to keep that 'tradition' running by making our batman/superhero lover Liam Payne a fiction character as well, and well, I think you all are starting to realise what I'm a doin' , so I'll let you people get to reading, and I really hope you................


I was working in the lab at my local history museum where, not only fossils and creatures of that sort could be found, but other creatures of mythical studies could be conjured up as well.

I began to study the substance held inside the beaker checking measurements, and most of all, trying to figure out what it was exactly. You see, a young couple had discovered a ginormous meteor rock, that had supposedly fallen from space while they were strolling through the local park, which of course every scientist employee rushed to analyse, for they knew this discovery would mean big bills . But there was something different about this meteor. Something that made it different from all the others discovered in the past. And that was something discovered inside the meteor. There was a huge explosion as scientists surrounded the huge rock, immediately backing away as it began to crack, and that's when it opened. In half. When everything was cleared people began to look, and what was seen was something never thought to be seen by the human eye. In the meteor was a human shaped mold. Most likely to be a man, for it was so detailed, that you could see indentions of ABS near the torso area, and indentions of the bicep muscles in the upper limb areas and of course muscles everywhere else.

So now you know why I've been called into work on a weekend, AND have been sent to analyse a liquid transformed sample from the meteor. I found it very odd how there was no person inside when the meteor exploded, but that thought was immediately erased from my mind as I heard a loud crash, the sound of glass breaking, near the museum entrance. Walking toward the lab exit, I began to furrow my eyebrows, hearing footsteps coming from the stairs. I began to walk towards the noise, making my way to what I at least thought was a person. My thoughts were all summed up as I saw five fairly large men make their way towards me. My breath hitched in my throat as they neared closer, and I couldn't breathe. One of the men, whom I suppose was their leader, pulled out a set of ropes and handcuffs with a rag in hand. I knew right then and there that this was going to be the end of me. There was nowhere to run, and I would never make it past them.

I just fell to my knees, crying, refusing to be handcuffed and tied in this place, but the mans thoughts were obviously different. He grabbed me by my shoulders with ease, turning me around, and wrapping the metal handcuffs to my small wrists. Tears were falling like waterworks down my cheeks. I began to run the opposite direction, trying to scream for help as I saw two of the men part out of my way. "HEL-", my words cut short as the two same men pulled me back by my waist, causing me to choke, due to the wind being knocked out of me. They both pressed their hands to my back, shoving me to the man the 'leader' who shoved me to the floor. He had a sick smile on his face, me looking back at him in disgust. "Your such a bad, bad girl", he growled, "And I plan to keep you busy while my men grab the meteor samples". My thoughts of him being the leader were proved to be true, but my quick hatred towards him had never changed. I feared for the worst as I watched the four men make their way towards the door, trying to scream for help once again, this time succeeding by biting down hard on that assholes fat fingers which did not taste appealing.

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