You're Mine

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It's Halloween. I may be 16 years old but come on, it's free candy. As far as I'm concerned, I will be trick-or-treating until the day I die. So after weeks of nagging, I finally got my best friend to go with me. Natalie wasn't all to excited to go but she agreed as soon as I told her we could go in Chase Andrew's neighborhood. She had a crush on Chase for 6 months now and saw his tweet saying that he was going trick-or-treating tonight as well. Hoping to see him she applied a little too much make up, I didn't say anything, it was Halloween after all so I let her have her fun. She was dressed as a cat while I was a cowgirl.

Living in southern California did have its perks, such as it being nearly 70 degrees on October 31st. We lived in a small town called Willowdale. The town itself wasn't huge by any means, but the neighborhoods in it were. Especially the one we were in right now. I hadn't exactly thought about having to use the bathroom. I thought it was rude to ask someone who I didn't know, but by the time we got to the 8th house I just couldn't hold it.

"Hi if you wouldn't mind, may I please use your restroom?" I asked pleadingly.

Luckily for me the woman was very nice. "Sure sweetie go right ahead. You're going to have to go upstairs though we're in the middle of painting our downstairs one so it's sort of a mess". She replied lightly. 2nd door to the right as soon as you walk upstairs" she directed me.

"Thank you so much" I said back.

As I walked upstairs I heard a door open as a tall boy about my age walked out of what I assume was his room.

"Who the hell are you?" He stared me down like he'd never seen a girl before in his life.

"uhhh, I'm Jordan, who are you?" I asked. Dumb question.

"You're roaming around my house, wearing a cowgirl costume, and you're asking who I am?" he snaps back.

"Damn, I'm sorry I just had to use your bathroom" I say. "You look kind of familiar, what school do you go to?" I ask hoping that doesn't piss him off any further.

"I go to Penn Crest I just moved there this summer". He says not making eye contact with me.

"That's where I go, do you like it so far?". I ask.

"Listen no offense but I really don't like people, especially not nosey ones so how about you do your business and get out of my house" He says harshly and walks back into his room.


When I walked back downstairs after "doing my business" as the kid whose name I never did find out would say, Natalie is standing outside waiting. Shit I forgot about her.

"What took you so long?" She asked.

"Sorry I had a little run in with some kid" I said

We finished the night with our bags full of candy as we headed back to my house. It was Thursday but we had off school tomorrow so we were trying to make it a good 3 day weekend. As much of an asshole he was, the boy who I ran into at the house was really attractive. There was something about him but I can't pin point it. I was determined to find out more about him, starting with his name.

The night flew by. It was nearly 2 am and me and Natalie just finished our 3rd horror movie.

"I think that's enough" Natalie said, clearly terrified by our last choice "The Devil Inside"

"They weren't that bad." I say "but its late I guess we should go to bed anyways".


The weekend went by quicker than I had expected and soon enough I was driving myself to school Monday morning, coffee in hand.

The periods dragged on until it was finally lunch. The only period me and Natalie shared. We sat at our normal table with out other friends, Danielle, Sarah, Brooke, and Riley. I was about to take a bite into my sandwich when I saw a familiar face.

It was him.

He was sitting with 3 other guys, one of them being Chase Andrews, Natalie's secret lover. Another one by the name of Brandon something, and the 3rd one being Tyler Smith. Why did I not know his name? We've been in school 2 months and I haven't heard one thing about this kid.

"Natalie will you come over to Chase's table with me?" I ask

"What why? Are you insane?" She asks, eyes wide.

"The one on the end, that's who I ran into when I was using that ladies bathroom, and I wanna know his name, please?"

"Fine" she says "but you have to introduce me so Chase finally knows who I am" she states.

Natalie was so difficult. I know for a fact that Chase knows who she is. She's beautiful, long blonde hair, bright blue eyes. If he never noticed her before, he's crazy.

We slowly walked over to their table not even asking for a seat, we just sat down.

"Hi I'm Jordan, this is Natalie" I say. I noticed Chase and Tyler both looking over at Natalie but of course she's not paying any attention to Tyler, just Chase.

"Are you stalking me?" The nameless boy says

"No. I just want to know your name, I told you mine the other night, its only fair I know yours" I say.

"I told you I don't like nosey people" he says

"I'm not being nosey I'm being polite. You're knew here and I'm obviously a little late but theres nothing wrong with a few more friends" I say

"Who says I need any more friends?" he asks

"No ones saying you do, it was just an offer, but if not its fine" I say as we get up and start to walk away.

"Dustin" I hear and I turn around "My name is Dustin Kline" he says.


So this is my first chapter technically my first book. I started writing one this summer but I couldn't finish it. It just wasn't working for me. SOO i know its a slow start but all books usually are. Just please give it a chance and vote! Next chapter should be updated this week :)

Btw if you're trying to picture any of the characters

Morgan- Lilly Collins

Dustin- Jack Giilinsky (viner)

Natalie- Tasia Alexis (viner)


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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