chapter 2

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"Ahem!" A cough came from the crowd, as a woman holding a young boy with long blonde hair stepped out.

"Helen." Colin murmurs. 

"I have the cab waiting for our ride to the hotel," she barks. 

"Looks like someone has a ride to catch," I whisper into Colin's ear before he gives me one tight squeeze and walks out with his wife. I stand there in complete shock. Yes, Colin was my best friend and I hadn't talked to him in months. This was unlike Helen. She hasn't said a word to me since I saw her last. She ignored the fact that I was there and walked away. What was the deal?

Colin's POV

"Hel, what was that?" I say once Jen is out of sight. 

"Colin, please, we have to get into the cab." 

"No. Helen, we're talking now." I stand in front of her to block her path. "Why did you do that?" 

"Do what?" She rolls her eyes. 

"Helen, you know damn well what you did. Why the hell would you do that? I haven't seen my best friend-" 

"'best friend'" she says, mockingly. 

"Helen, what is all this about? What's your issue? Why can't you accept the fact that we are best friends who haven't seen each other for 5 months?" I was now yelling, but I needed to get this out.

"Ever think you two might be more than that? Sure you're 'best friends', but I see the way you look at her. I see the way you watch her. I see the way when you see her when she got off that plane."

"I haven't bloody seen her!" 

"But you don't treat your wife that way!" She said, slamming the cab door. "Find another way to get to the hotel."

I stand there in disbelief. What was her issue? Why did she suddenly think that Jen and I were more than best friends? We could be. I wish. But I have a wife. I need to be loyal to that. But sometimes life isn't like a fairytale. 

Jen's POV

We planned to have a cast party at Lana and Fred's house in San Diego. Hours later, I get dressed in a simple pink dress and grab my black purse. I curl my hair and put on some simple makeup. When I get there, everyone is there with their partners. Then I see Colin, alone, standing in the corner. "Hey." 

He turned around in shock. "Hey," he frowned.

 "What's the matter?"


"Colin, something's not right.  What's up?" He breathed a sigh of relief and starts to talk. 

Previously- that afternoon in the hotel, Colin's POV

I get to the hotel and check in at the desk. "Colin O'Donoghue." I say. 

"Room 211." The attendant says as she hands me a key. I nod and go up the elevator. I get to the room and knock to make sure she's not busy. 

"Go away! I don't need room service." She grumbles. 

I unlock the door and walk in. "It was just me." I roll my eyes. 

She picks up Evan and sits down on the chair. "Um, there's a party tonight at Lana's-" 

"I'm not going." 

"Why not? Helen, what's wrong with you?" 

"More like what's wrong with you." she rolls her eyes. 

"Helen, we have been married for 7 years. It shouldn't be like this. Why aren't we getting along?" 

"Because we both know someone else who we would rather be with!" She screamed.  

"Jen?" I exclaim. "What makes you think that? Are you jealous? Because there's no reason for you to be! She's just a friend! Helen you're my wife-" 

"Colin, shut up." She screams over me. 

"Helen, why is it suddenly like this?" I calm down and walk towards her, my arms open. 

"Colin, I see the way you look at her. I see the way she looks at you. I see how good of a couple you two would make. I see-" 

"Helen, we're not a couple." 

"Not yet," she pauses and takes off her wedding ring. 

"Helen!" I scream. "What do you think you're doing?" 

"Colin, we've been married we've been for 7 years. I just, I just don't think it's going to work out."

"Helen?" I say breaking down into tears. 

"Colin, it's over." She says and tries to step away. 

"Helen, I'm not leaving you. You've been throwing up every morning for the past week, you're sick, we're away-" 

"Well, Colin, I'm leaving you." 

"Hel, you're sick." 

"I am not sick!" she yells. "And don't call me 'Hel'." 

"Well if you're not sick-"

"I'm pregnant." She sighs. 

"I am not leaving you if you're pregnant!" I yell again.

"It's not even your damn baby!" She yells as she picks up her purse, my son, and walks out of the room. A divorce file paper is slid underneath the door. 

I could not believe it. My wife just told me that she wanted a divorce and that she was pregnant with another man's baby. Helen had just been so loyal. I didn't understand. I called another hotel and made reservations. I grab my stuff and the papers and walk out the door. I am surprised to see Helen still standing there. I hand her the signed paper, but stop before I let go. 

"Helen, I don't want this to end on a bad note.  Can we still try to get along?" She nods. "I made reservations at a different hotel." 

"And I'm flying back to Ireland on the next plane." She says, calmly. 

"I still love you, Helen." I say as I hug her. 

"I wish I could say the same to you, but I can't." 

"Keep in touch? I'd like to know who the lucky dad of the little one is." I smile while I touch her stomach. 

"I will. Goodbye Colin." 

"Goodbye Helen." I say after I kiss my son goodbye and walk away.

At the party, Colin's POV

I tell Jen everything. We moved outside and were sitting on the deck, alone. When I finish she hugs me. 

"I'm so sorry Colin." Is all she can say. 

"It's ok. I'm here, at ComicCon. With you. I won't let our divorce ruin it." 

She smiles and wraps her arm around me. "I'm always here for you, Colin." 

I smile and hug her again. "We need to figure out why our messages aren't going through." I say after a couple minutes of silence. I look at my phone and then into the blocked section. The first name reads Jen. "I wonder who did this." I grumble. I delete her name from the list and text her. Moments later I hear a little ding. "Fixed." I say as I wrap my arm around her. 

"I have a feeling," she said, looking up at the stars, "that this will be a week we'll always remember."


thanks so so much for reading! please leave a comment on what you thought! 

sorry it took so long to update!! i promise it won't be this long next time! 

love you all,

em <3

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