Chapter 4

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• Cameron •

We have everything. We bought some extra stuff for the walls, also some jewellery, blankets, some decorations to go on her desk, and so much more.

Now it's about 4 and all we have to do it put all the stuff into her room.

I sat down with J and started packing the clothes into the dresser and the closet. Taylor and Aaron started putting stuff in the walls. Then G and Shawn started setting up her beds K and piano.

• • •

Now it's 11 and everything is done. Her room is all set. We look everything over and is pleased by it.

"Tomorrow is the day I will officially have a daughter." Jack sighs and we laugh bc it sounds so weird that Mak is gonna be his daughter.

"I don't know about you guys bc im pretty gosh darn excited." Taylor huffs as we begin to walk out to the living room.

"I'm pretty sure all of us are so excited." Aaron adds.

"I feel like basically everything Is gonna change because we will have a girl
In the house." J sits on the couch.

"Yeah but Makenzie is nice, don't worry about it." I say walking to the fridge to get a water.

"Yeah I know. But it will feel weird." He also adds. And we all nod.

"Are one of you guys gonna like date her or something?" G asks looking around. "Because it would feel kinda weird that my daughter will be dating one of my friends."

"She is pretty cute." Shawn smirks and so does Taylor.

"She is a very pretty girl." Aaron agrees.

"Like I wouldn't really mind you guys dating her but it's weird because she's like my daughter." He cringes.

"Yeah we get you man, but I think Taylor is gonna try to get with her." J laughs and Taylor scratches the back of his neck and nods.

"She's very attractive but in a way we are like her brothers." Shawn shrugs.

"Shawn cmon don't ruin it for me." Taylor laughs and so do we.

"Okay guys well I'm going to sleep." I stand up and stretch. Starting to make my way to my room. I say night to everyone and close the door behind me as I walk into my room.

I turn Netflix on and lay down in my bed. I pull on my phone and text Makenzie.

Me: Hey

Mak: Heyy

Me: how are you doin?

Mak: great. I can't believe that I didn't notice who you guys were

Me: haha I thought you had no idea who we were.

Mak: yeah idk what i was thinking bc i thought i would of recognized you guys sooner. Even tho im not like a die hard fan.

Me: Yeah you are really chill about it. im surprised you didnt text me all day after finding out.

Mak: yeah me too actually. you guy seemed like you were really busy with something so i really didnt want to bother you. What were you doing anyways.

Me: we were working on something very important.

Mak: so its a secret?

Me: yah, for now atleast.

Mak: lol okay. well im gonna go to sleep. Talk to you tomorrow?

Me: Indead. Goodnight.

Mak: Night:)

I set my phone on my nightstand and plug the charger into it. i roll over and close my eyes.

- morning -

I wake up to my set alarm clock going off in my ear. I rub my eyes as the sunlight sneaks through the shades over the windows and into my room, nearly blinding me. i reach over for my phone and feel in beneath my hand and grab in. I look at it. 10 am, no notifications, man im popular.

I feel a bit of laughter and talking coming from anywhere outside of my bedroom. i flip the covers off of me and slid out of bed. I open the door to my bedroom and walk out to the living room where mostly everyone was at.

"Hey Cam. We have been waiting for you to get up." Taylor comes behind me and pats me on my back.

"You guys could of woke me up." I rub my eyes again and yawning.

"We tried to but you wouldn't wake up so we just gave up." Aaron say sitting down at the kitchen table with a water in his hand. "And we are still going to the orphanage to adopt Mak at 2 right?"

"I thought we were going earlier." I walk over to the fridge and open it so a cold breeze his my body and i reach of the milk.

"We called there and they said that we can only come through the times 2 and 8. And apparently there will be a lot of paper work for G to fill out so we will be there for a while." Taylor adds walking over the the table and sitting next to Aaron.

I nod and grab a bowl and fruit loops from the cabinet. pour the cereal and milk together and put them back up, also grabbing a spoon.

• Makenzie •

My eyes flutter open and the first thing i see is Nate hovering over me.

"Goodmorning." He smiles.

"What are you doing here." I groan and stretch beneath him.

"I live here." He laughs, sitting up next to me, still on my bed.

"I meant in my room." i close my eyes and pull my cover basically over my head.

"Me, Gwen, and you are suppose to get Subway for lunch today so get up. Its already 12." I stands up on my bed and starts jumping on it.

"Stop your gonna break my bed, boy." i spring up from my bed. "ill get ready just chill."


Im finally done getting ready. I have ripped jeans on with a white crop top with sparkly sandles on. My hair is straightened and my make up is just concealer, mascara, winged eyeliner, and a little bit of highlight.

"Ready?" Nate asks me and i nod. "Then lets go." he holds out his hand and I take it.

We meet up with Gwen and go on our way.


Its now about 1:30 when we sit down and began to eat.

"So what are we gonna do today?" Gwen asks stuffing her sandwich in her face.

"We are gonna go to to the mall, I thought." Nate looks at both of us.

"Yeah we could go tot the mall. I need to get clothes anyways." I nod agreeing and looking at Gwen.

"Same." She says with her mouth filled and food flies out of it.

"Chew your food." I look at her laughing.

"Suck my ass." She says back after swallowing her food.

"Thank you." I smile and take a bite out of my sandwich.

The table starts to vibrate and it came from my phone. I look at it and it's a counselor at the orphanage.

"Who is it?" Nate asks.

"Kambrea." I furrow my eyebrows and hit answer.

"Hello?" I speak.

"Makenzie?" Her voice fills my ear.


"We need you to come back tot the orphanage and quick as possible."


"Something has come up."

"Like what?"

"We will explain when you get back."

The call disconnected.

"They want me back at the orphanage as soon as possible."



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