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Liam -sad imagine-

y/n POV

Walking into the cool air of the night i smile at the stars seeing them shine brighter than i have seen them shine in a while. Looking over the sky once or twice i feel my phone vibrate in my pocket notifying me i have a message.

Slowly sitting down on the damp grass i rap the blanket around myself and unlock the screen showing i have a message from no other than liam. Reading the short text reply i sent earlier makes my frown, seeing he just said ok.

Things weren't the best with him and you, fighting was all you could do this past week. Tonight you thought you had a break but like the rest of the week you decide to talk to him. Getting up from your spot on the ground you grab your shoes and keys and slowly drag yourself to your car. Getting in you mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for whatever it is that is coming to you. The drive there was possibly the longest one you had.

But arriving there you were meet with a very unpleasant thing. Liam with his phone and tears falling rapidly down onto the screen. He was frozen, shock and pain written all over his face. Nothing like you have ever seen on him.

Slowly you took your shoes off and set your keys down you walk over to liam and sit down by him. His state not changing even with your presence being there, taking the phone i see his call list. It was his sister she called at least 5 times, with one voice mail i click it and put the phone up to my ear.

When the voice mail started all you could hear was shallow breaths and cry's very loud cry's. Then Ruth saying three words that could make me cry 'shes dead liam' at the moment you had to think who? but then it hit you, Karen, she was so sick she even slipped into a comma.

The voice mail cut off and it was silent, nothing but breathing and quiet tears was in the room. Then it was as if it just broke no one was strong enough to think this could happen no one prepared for this.

Liam got up slowly and went to his kitchen grabbing something then going to his room slamming the door and locking it. with that you cried lightly thinking all the time you spent with her as a young girl before you and liam dated. You could never do that again. She wasnt going to be there when she saw you and liam get married or have your first kid. It was hard to think because just as she slipped into the comma we were going to the hospital to tell her the news, that we were engaged.

But slipping back to reality i get up and go to liams door, grabbing the key and unlocking the door. Opening the door i see a broken liam with a sharp kitchen knife to his heart.

'l-liam?' you say hiccuping.

'W-what are you doing babe' you say walking a little closer.

'She was my everything y/n how, how could she die?' he says pulling the knife closer

'We all do liam please put that down, before you do something you dont want to do'

'I cant, i need to see her y/n i need her i cant do it without her' he says closing his eyes

'Listen to me liam shes here with you do you think this is what she wants she wants you to have kids and a beautiful wife and live your life and tell story about all the things you did with her to her grandchildren, shes always here in your heart, she will never die baby she never will unless you forget about her and killing yourself isnt going to help know please give me that' you say kissing his forhead taking the knife lightly.

That night you left him alone on his request you didnt want to so you stayed in your car that night sleeping not very well. By the next morning you only had about 3 hours of sleep, which was due to the horrible news and the also horrible seat you slept in. Unlocking the door to liams house everything was trashed, and i mean everything, the tv , the couch, the pictures, the table, the carpet, walking up the recage you hear very small crys, pushing the door all you saw was red. Dark red, blood. He had done it after you left he had taken the knife you put away and put away at his arms, he was on the brink of dying and you couldnt do anything about it, it was your time to be frozen in shock and fear.

You screamed and called for help, but nothing came out of your mouth but i love you liam please dont die, please dont.

His last words was i love you to forever and ever baby.

I never was the same, after the police arrived i was taken home, the house was given to his sisters and his blongings were theres to but they gave me some things.

That night played over and over everytime i closed my eyes, all i could see was the blood, all the blood everywhere in that room and the look on his face when he saw me but then the look when the life he once held in his eyes that was what got me.

He lives on in my heart and i will never forget him he will never die to me he lives on and on everytime my heart beats.

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