This shit has a lot of typos that im lazy to change, so either bare with it or leave x
leafy you should read this on camera, yall please tweet this to leafy. his fat ass is too fat to see it ;-;
Once upon a time, Lived a hot guy called Hammer, he was lonely, sad and deprived. He was a virgin. From both ways, Love and Sex.
On June 25th, His birthday. He went out partying with all of his friends and stayed up until it was almost morning. Hammer was walking back home, Drunk, Soar and tired. He wasn't feeling well. But he knew he can do it. He was walking back home, and suddenly a young, fresh hot meat stumble's in the way, Leafy. He was throwing the trash and filth of YouTube, like he always does. He saw Hammer supremely drunk and tired, He was star struck. He did not see a star, but he saw a glowing beautiful young guy who instantly filled his heart with love, Butterflies were floating around him. Hammer was glowing for him. Leafy runs to Hammer and asks him "Are you okay?", Hammer replied tiredly "No, I need to get back home and im drunk". Leafy saw the chance and insisted for him to stay over, Hammer refused with all of his power. Leafy did not want to pressure him so he offered him an Uber, Hammer accepted and waited for his uber while Leafy went inside his house. Hammer sat on the bench and waited for the Uber, meanwhile Leafy watches from his windows rubbing his dick to his pants. Hammer rode the Uber back home.
On June 29th, Hammer was walking back from school, he was approachable. He passed Leafy's house and said to himself "Why do i remember this house?" meanwhile leafy's fat ass was sleeping. As a month goes on, Hammer kept wondering. Until it was July 25th, Hammer went back to that house around 2:50 A.M, He rang the bell. "Ting Tong, Ting Tong" as it rings, The door knot turned and Hammer freaked and backed away from the door. The door opens and a show appears, Hammer gasped! "Leafy ??". Leafy noticed Hammer and invited him in, Leafy's smile never leaved his face. So Hammer intensively walked up the stairs, Terrified of what will happen. He walked the hallways behind leafy, looking at all of the plain walls that had nothing on them. Finally, they reached leafy's bedroom door. Leafy opens the door and a small squeak can be heard. Hammer and Leafy entered the room
Leafy tells hammer "Make yourself at home!" and he replied "Thank you", Leafy asks Hammer "Why did you come back". Hammer calmly replied "It's because i knew somebody i love is in this house, somebody who cared about me and gave my broke ass a free Uber, I came back to thank you Leafy". Leafy tried to make a move and puts his arm around Hammer and asked him "Is it okay if i-" "It's okay Leafy" Hammerreplied instantly
Leafy approaches Hammer's lips politely and starts to feel them. Hammer nudges leafy tell's him to kiss him. Leafy kisses Hammer intensively leading Hammer to turn around and lay on Leafy's hot small body, Hammer quietly whisper "I'm ready". Leafy wonders what was Hammer ready for?, Hammer's slowly start leading his hands from Leafy's soft face to his massive cock. Hammer said "That is huge", Leafy replied "Will you be able to take it. That's a 11.5 inches, not a 5 or 7", Hammer agreed. Hammer untied Leafy's belt and started to undress him, He mouth slowly started to move down from his lips down to his chest to his cock, Hammer puts Leafy's cock in his mouth and his heart wasthrobbing of fear and regrets. But he ignored them
Hammer slowly starts sucking Leafy's penis, Leafy's starting screaming from how good it was. Hammer started to suck it faster but not deeper that Leafy had to hold him from the top of his head and make him go deeper, and deeper while Hammer choke's on Leafy's big dick. Leafy's says " Fuck it man, Bend over" Hammer was frightened and Leafy saw his precious face and said "I don't do love, I fuck. Hard, so are you ready?", Hammer replied with a raspy voice "Yes daddy, i do". Hammer bent over Leafy's desk and Leafy started to tease him with his big cock, sliding it, up and down his anus. Hammer shouted "AHH!", Leafy replied "It is going to be alright, Just forget the pain". Hammer cries meanwhile Leafy is fucking him hard, Harder than Jacob tries to sing. Leafy carried him to the bed, meanwhile he saw hammer crying so he decided to go easy and he started to fuck him slowly and easily. Hammer loved leafy, the tension on his face was obvious. so Leafy kept continuing to fuck him as hard as he could to please Hammer. Leafy's gets out his cock from hammers asshole and moved it to his mouth, Hammer kept sucking. it was the most intensive blow job leafy has ever got, Leafy's screamed "Ahh, ahh, oh yeah", while Hammer tries to swallow Leafy's thick cum. Leafy's kissed Hammer and left to go wash up
When he came back, Hammer was laying on the bed. Unapproachable and did not talk, Leafy walked up to him and moved him, he tried to speak to him. he was not replying at all. He called 911, When they came. Leafy was informed he died from intense sex actions and he will be fine, It was like Day 1 was all over again, Leafy watching Hammer enters the Uber and leaving. Leafy watching Hammer getting ready for his grave from intensive sex. Leafy cried and screamed "NOOOO".
That's it fat rolls, please tweet this to LeafyIsHere
my twitter is @dinahiology