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      Your Pov:

    Today was graduation day and Levi was back at camp, Erwin and Hanji had a mission to go on but they left Levi to watch our last assessment.  I walked past him and I grabbed his jacket and ran around the corner "oi brat what was that!" He asked "what do you know about an Isabel? From the underground" I asked him and he looked at me with sorrow and terror in his eyes "she is dead" he said, I stumbled backwards 'no not her to' I looked at the ground "sister" I whispered quietly "why? Is there something wrong?" He asked "l/n" I said, he looked at me "w-what do you mean l/n" he asked stunned "my last name is l/n, she was my sister, can I trust you with this secret?" I asked him "y-yeah, y/n I thought you were dead, I walked into your families house when I was little and I stumbled upon y-your dead" "mom and dad" I finished.

      Levis Pov:


  "What was that?" I asked myself and ran um to the l/n's house, a man ran out the door but I ignored him "mr. And Mrs. L/n are you guys okay?" I said before walking inside.  I tripped over something and I looked at what I tripped over "Mr. L/n!" I gasped and rushed over to him, I flipped him over and saw a huge gash on his stomach, I got up and walked over Mrs. L/n "y/n?!" I yelled as I searched the house for her.

  "I-I looked for you all day" I whispered and she hugged me "I'm sorry y/n I couldn't protect Isabel" I whispered "it's okay" she whispered back, I looked at her emotionless face and realized how broken she must feel right now.

(1 hour later)

Your Pov:

I went past Connie and sliced the neck of the dummy Titan "y/n!" Connie whined. I flew farther and spotted another dummy, Mikasa was heading towards it but I used the trees to my advantage and I got to the dummy before her and grabbed my flag. The flare went off signaling my team has won, but I stood still with a blank face 'I'm sorry guys' I thought and then I dropped the flag and flew back to camp, I was welcomed by Levi "congrats team Blue" he said and bowed, my Squadron bowed back (Eren, Annie, Armin, Sasha, and Marco).  We all headed for our last dinner, I went into my cabin and got changed, when the dinner bell rang I ran out the door and headed to the dining hall "y/n! Wait up!" Sasha yelled running after me. I laughed as she stopped running "you. will..." She tried to talk and I smiled "oh calm down Sasha I'm not going anywhere else than dinner then to graduation" I chuckled, but that was a slight lie, she nodded and we walked inside to a swarm of people around me "how did you beat Mikasa?" Someone asked "I used advantage" I replied "the trees?! But they are too hard to go through!" Someone said "you don't know me then" I laughed and pushed through the crowd. I sat down next to Mikasa and smiled "how did you do that really?" She asked "I don't know... My instincts kicked in and I just used the trees I guess" I replied and she nodded "um I'm going to get some fresh air before graduation" I said and then I got up and walked outside, I ran to my spot in the forest and Star was laying there "hey pretty girl" I smiled and she rubbed her head against me "you want a goodbye song?" I asked her and she laid down "okay then" I replied.

I wanna write you a song
One as beautiful as you are sweet with just a hint of pain
For the feeling That I get when you are gone, I wanna write you a song
I wanna lend you my coat
One that's as soft as your cheek so when the world is cold you will have a hiding place you can go I wanna lend you my coat
Oo wa oo everything I need I get from you oooo ee oooo
Giving back is all I wanna do ooo woo oooo
I wanna build you a boat
One as strong as you are free
So anytime you think that your heart is gonna sink it you know it won't
I wanna build you a boat
Ooo woo ooo everything I need I get from you ooo ee oooo giving back is all I wanna do ooo woo oooo
Oooo ooooo
I wanna write you a song
One to make your heart remember me so when I am gone you can listen to my voice and sing along
I wanna write you a song
I wanna write you a song

I looked down and saw Star asleep "goodbye Star" I whispered and I kissed her head. I stood up and bumped into something "what the?" I huffed "s-sorry y/n I was just listening" Armin stuttered "it's fine" I said and got up "shh Star is asleep" I added "oh the deer! Sorry! Crap I mean Star" he whispered and I giggled "let's go back to camp" I said and he nodded. When we arrived dinner was over and graduation carts started to arrive, I jumped in one with the girls and we went to the ceremony, the cart stopped and we stepped out into alphabetical order lines.  Levi told everyone the sections then he got to the top tens "y/n is placed in 1st" Levi said and I walked up to the stage and bowed, Mikasa placed second and Eren was in fifth place, I walked off of the stage and went to a building where we would be sleeping "hey y/n right?" A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes asked "yeah that's me" I sighed tired "Emma Suka" she said holding out her hand "nice to meet you Emma" I replied "Levi told me about you" she smiled "ha shorty talks about me" I laughed "yeah he said that you deserved to rank first due to your skills in fighting, using your 3DMG, Leadership skills, teamwork, and education" she smiled "wow, well I'm going to go hit the hay, night Emma" I waved goodbye as I walked towards my room.

Yeah that's right I brought my oc into the story... Sorry I just had to 😂 anyways hope you guys liked this chapter! Bu-bye lovelies!

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