Chapter 1

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"Harry, theres a letter for ya", Meg smiled and handed me a letter. Its been years and I haven't open any of the letters because I hardly receive any. Of course its 2016, and people are too busy in their social life to even bother writing a letter. I smiled holding a large piece of envelope, when I remembered that in my earlier days, how our fans crazily wrote the letters and send them to us. Some were beautiful, but some were almost illogical, but I made sure I read each one of them. I felt nostalgic, feeling those days coming back to me. It was probably from some fan because I don't know whos had written it. There was no information about the writer given on the letter.

"Where you got it from?" I asked Meg

"Well, I found in your box letter. Its strange because except from bills, we hardly get one." She chuckled.

"okay, I will be right back." I said and sauntered down to my room. Very carefully, with curiosity of that of child, that I might not tear up the letter, I opened the letter. There it was,

"Dear Harry,

When you smile, my world turns upside down.

Theres not a day, I don't feel you. I don't miss you.

No charm, no beauty attracts me to you. Its only your dimpled smile that makes my heart flutter.

When you smile, the sun brightens up.



I expected them to write on my appearance but this was really unanticipated. However I folded the piece of paper and slipped inside my pocket.

"Harry, come 'ere," Meg shouted.

"Yeah, I am coming." And with that the small conversation with the letter was forgotten.

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