Chapter 12

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I see a bright light flashing underneath the door, they're both using the orbs. There's no way that Willow can beat his, she just barely got the hang of it. I yell for her again but it's no use. She can't get to the door. I can feel anger building up inside of me as I pace this small strip of hallway. I stop in front of the door, kicking it over and over even though I know that this isn't going to help at all. I've let Willow down and she's now fighting for her life, all alone. She got thrown into this and ever since she came, all she's tried to do is be there for everyone. She was so nice to me whenever she first came and I hated her because I knew that she would be better than me at everything, I could just see it in her. Over time I realized that she was an incredible person, she was always there for me from when I got punched in the nose and when I had my punishment. I took her for granted and now my chances of losing her are high.

I hear something hit the ground with a thud and the door flies open. My stomach drops when I see Willow lying there on the ground. She has her hand on her chest and her eyes are wide. She can't breathe, I think to myself. Devlin walks past me but he's not my focus right now. I need to try and save Willow. I run over to her, kneeling down. I can tell that she's starting to fade in and out, the only breathing she's fighting to get is causing her to wheeze. The sound breaks my heart and I start to panic, shaking her shoulders as if somehow that will help. I can't lose her, I just can't. I've spent most of my life avoiding people and taking care of myself. I finally find somebody that will love me no matter what and I'm going to lose her. Willow reaches up and touches my cheek gently and I can feel the tears coming to my eyes and I try to fight them back, I don't want her to see me cry. I shake her shoulders again, saying please over and over as if it'll help bring her back. When I realize that it's no use, I put her head in my lap and gently run my fingers through her hair to make her final few moments peaceful. "I let you down and I love you so much. Thank you for everything," I whisper to her. I don't know if she can hear me, her eyes are closed and she lies there completely still, her chest no longer moving up and down.

I suddenly fill with rage, I need to go find Devlin. I'm going to be the one to kill him, nobody else. That man deserves to die for what he's done to many. I pick up Willow and lie her on the bed, gently pulling a blanket over her small body. I kiss her on the forehead and grab a sword that is lying on the ground, running down the hallway to find Devlin. He couldn't have gotten far. I stop and ask somebody if he came this way and they nod, pointing down a hallway. They have a scared look on their face like they just saw a ghost, which closely resembles Devlin so it makes sense. I run as fast as I can, looking in every room and stopping at every corner to see if he's standing there, waiting for me. Finally, I see him walking with his head held high, his fists clenched at his sides. What a disgusting creature. I run at him and point the sword, preparing to stab him right in the back. At the last second, he flips around, grabbing the blade of the sword with his hand. He throws it from my grip and knocks me back with his free hand. I hit the ground with a thud and stand back up, charging at him. He once again pushes me back and the ground catches me but not gently.

"So you want to die too?" he yells at me, his voice deep and booming. It bounces off the walls and echoes down the hallway.

"You killed Willow! You killed the one thing that I had and you're going to pay for it," I yell back, my voice not quite as strong. He steps over me and laughs, pointing his palm at me. I can see the red forming deep within his hand, an orb getting ready to shoot out, killing me in one hit. I need to do something. I look around and see his legs right in front of me, perfect. I swing my legs around, knocking him over. The orb flies out of his hand and hits the wall, a large puff of smoke rising from it. He grunts when he hits the ground and I get up as fast as I can, kicking him in the stomach. It knocks him back down and I run to grab the sword but I find myself falling to the ground just feet before it. I look back to see Devlin pointing his hand at me, summoning another orb. I roll out of the way just as it crashes against the floor, shaking the lights overhead. He stands up and walks towards me with another smirk on his face. He grabs my shirt collar, pulling me off the ground and lifting me in the air. He gets me up over his head and I find myself struggling to breathe beneath his grip. I calm myself and straighten my legs before bending them at the knees and pushing them at his chest. He lets go of my neck and I fall to the ground as he hits the wall, hard. I run at the sword again and I can hear him running behind me. I slide on the floor, grabbing the sword and turning around, pointing it straight in the air. Devlin tries to stop but he was too close behind me, too close to the sword pointing directly at him. The sword digs into his stomach and his eyes grow wide as he tries to pull it out. I push as hard as I can, making sure he dies because of this. He drops to his knees in front of me, gasping for air and trying to pull out the sword. Blood is coming from his wound and I lift my leg, kicking him right in the face with my boot. He falls back and lays there, motionless.

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