Party Time!!!

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[Zayn was going to go to a party today and Naill really wanted to go. Liam and Louis both tried to explain to him that the party was going to have achol and inappropriate dancing and the fact he was to young to go to a party like that. Niall has been grumpy all day because of it explesially when it was time for Zayn to leave for the party.]

"Louis, Liam I'm going to leave no!" Zayn yelled walking into the living room were the rest of the family was watching Toy Story 3. "Zayn I'm going to remind you that you are not to drink and do not DO anybody." Liam said. "I know I know Liam you don't have to remind me I'll be a good boy." Zayn said smiling." Good boy" Liam said walking over hugging him. "Naill come here." Zayn said seeing he was upset. Naill walked over to him with his head hanged low. Zayn toke two fingers and lifted Nialls chin. "Listen to me Ni-Ni, I know you wanna come and maybe next time but promise me you will be a good ok." Zayn said to Niall sweetly. "I promise." Naill said cheering up a little bit. "Good boy." Zayn said ruffling his hair. " Bye mates!!" Zayn said walking to the door. "Bye" Louis, Harry, Liam, and Niall said in unison.

After the movie was done Harry was already asleep on Louis's lap and Louis carries him to bed. "Night Ni-Ni do you want me to tuck you in bed?" Liam said affectionately. "No thanks Liam but night love you," Niall said smiling walking up stairs. "Night love you to baby." Liam said walking to his bedroom. Niall had other plans though he was going to that party. Niall got his things together and waited for the whole house to get to sleep and walked out the front door quietly. He heard Zayn talking earlier that day saying that he party was at a friends house, Derek, who only lives a block away. Niall ran to his house in excitement and quickly sat down next to a beautiful girl.

"Hey beautiful." Niall said trying to act manly. "OH MY GOD ITS NAILL FROM ONE DIRECTION!" the girl screamed followed by many more screaming girls. Zayn heard the girl scream Nialls name and immedatly ran into the living room and grabbing Niall's upperarm and shoved him outside in the car away from the screaming girls. Zayn called Derek and said he needed to leave and apologized for the Naill screaming girls thing. Once he hung up he looked at Niall. Niall had his head hanged low and Zayn grabbed his chin. " NAILL JAMES HORAN HOW COULD YOU! YOU SNUCK OUT AND CAME TO THE PARTY AFTER WE TOLD YOU YOU COULDNT! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD BE GOOD HOW CAN I EVER TRUST YOU AGAIN!" Zayn yelled in Nialls face. "I'm sorry Zayn!" Naill cried already sobbing. " I would save those tears Niall James till we get home!" Zayn yelled as he drove home.

It didn't take long since it was only a block away. Once they pulled into the driveway Zayn slammed his door and ran to Naill's side and grabbed his ear. "Owwww Oww Zayn please i'm sorry!" Naill said screaming in pain. "Hush Niall say another word and I will spank you right here in the driveway!" Zayn yelled. Niall gulped but no longer said a word. Zayn shoved Niall in the house and ran into Liam's room turning on the light. "Zayn, Zayn is that you." Liam said sleepily while sitting up. " Oh not just me but him to guess where I find him tonight? At the party with a bunch of screaming girls!'' Zayn screamed trying to stay calm but furious. "Niall James Horan you went to the party when we told you not to and when you promised Zayn you would be good!" Liam yelled. "Yes sir." Niall said as tears started filling his eyes. "Niall you go to your room now you will dealt with in the morning!" Liam said as Naill ran upstairs into his room.

Louis walked into Niall's room. The guys told him what happened and since they were both to anger to deal with him Louis decided he would instead. Niall was sleeping peacefully making Louis want to just leave him like that but he knew that he must be punished. This is going to be the worst wake up call ever, Louis thought to himself and he toke off his belt and pulled the covers off of Niall smacking him hard in the bum. "Owwwwwww." Niall said waking up immediandelty. "Young man get up right now, bare yourself and lean over the bed!" Louis said firmly. "B-but Lo.." " NOW" Louis screamed. Niall took down the only thing he was wearing, boxers, which now made him completely nude and leaned over the bed. Louis did not hesitated to start. SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK. Niall but his hand on his bum. " Niall James Horan you have just earned 10 extra and enless you would like to start over I would move you hand now." Louis said. Niall moved his hand and Louis continued giving the young lad 20 more painful whacks. "Will you SMACK ever SMACK sneak SMACK out SMACK disobeying SMACK or SMACK break SMACK a promise ever SMACK again!" Louis said. " No SMACK no SMACK NO SIR SMACK!!!" Naill cried. Niall was a sobbing mess but Louis kept going. " Ten more Niall and count them for me, if you lose track I will start over!" Louis said. He didn't think he had the strength to start over his heart breaking hearing Nialls cries but he knew that Niall would listen if he said that. SMACK, Niall cried then quickly said one. SMACK SMACK SMACK "Two Three Four!" Naill cried. SMACK SMACK SMACK. " Seven eight nine!" SMACK hitting him right in the sit spot then picking up the sobbing Naill and putting him on his lap. " I'm sorry I'm Sorry Louis!" Niall cried. " SHhhhhh baby its okk Louis loves you your forgiven shhh."

After about five minutes Louis carried Niall down stairs for some breakfast and when he put him down he ran over to Zayn and gave him a hug. ":I'm so sorry Zayn please trust me again i'll never break a promise again I'm sorry please don't hate me!" Niall Said started to cry again. "Baby I never will hate you baby I will always trust you baby shhhhh its ok." Zayn said rubbing Nialls back. "Anybody want any eggs" Harry said trying to lightin the mood. They all laughed and eat breakfast together as a family.

Please comment and suggest im running out of ideas please thanks for reading <3

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