Sick Harry

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So a couple of you had the same idea so I'm just going to put them all together alight :). The prompts are on the chapter I'M SO SORRY!! So that the people that this chapter is deticated to :). I have one more prompt to do after this one but I need more!!! Alright, cool :) hope you like it! Btw do you guys want me to still include Josh in the spankings or just an outside character!! Tell me PLEASE!! Oh and I'm getting some prompts with Liam getting in trouble and he is the oldest so ummmmm I think lets stick with the younger ones.. alright :) Oooo and I'm definetly going to contiune this story thanks to all you peoples support! It means so much to me really.

Harry's POV

I woke up this morning with a horrible head ache. My stomach really hurts to. I think I'm coming down with the flu because I was feeling sick all day yesterday to. I no I need to tell Zayn and Liam about me getting sick but I really don't want them to be all over me taking my temperature every five seconds and babying me. I walk into the bathroom and as soon as I see the toilet I empty my stomach. I stand up and flush the toilet and look up in the mirror. My face was red and sweaty, and there is bags under my eyes. I know that there going to ask a bunch of questions since I look like shit... ugh. I walk out of the bathroom and change into sweats and a sweat shirt, since all of a sudden I got really cold. I walk down the stairs in the living room and plop on the couch. Zayn and Niall will definetly wouldn't be up.. the sleep in FOREVER. Liam and Louis were up tho and in the kichten talking and cooking breakfast. Louis walks in probably because he heard my come in. "Good morning baby Hazza! Wow you look awful are you alright?" he said coming over and sitting next to me. "Yah Lou I'm fine, don't touch me!" I said slaping his hands away just as Liam walks in. "Harold! You do not hit people! Do you want a spanking first thing this morning!" he yells pointing a finger in my face. I quickly nod and apologize to Lou which he greatly accepted. "I'm sorry I had to yell at you this early but no hitting anymore alright. Now morning Haz!" he says smiling sitting on the other side of me. I smile and looked down hoping that he wouldn't notice how shity I looked. He put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head, "What happened to you!" Oh great.

"I'm fine... just tried." I said trying to hold back a cough. "Haz, if your sick you need to tell us so we can take care of you... alright." Liam questioned as I nodded thinking if I talked my voice would crack giving my state of healthiness away. About an hour later of just cuddling on the couch with Louis Niall and Zayn finally woke up. They came waking down stairs Zayn having Niall on a chest with his head resting on his shoulder half awake. "I had to drag this little leprechaun out of bed but he finally got up." Zayn said while setting Niall on the couch next to Louis and Harry. "Morning! Ni Ni and Zaynie how's my baby boy!" Louis said while hugging Niall's side who nodded yes and leaned in to his side for the comfort. "Haz your look awful are you alright!" Zayn said trying to feel my forehead. "Stop Zayn get the hell off of me I'm fine!" I screamed avoiding Zayn's touch. "Excuse me Harold! You do not cuss at me! Go to your room!" Zayn yelled in my face grabbing my bicep and pushing me toward the stairs. "No fuck off!" I said immediately regreting it when I saw Zayn started fuming. He grabbed his ear and throw his to the couch. From all the movement I started getting dizzy. I was over Zayns lap when I emptied my stomach all over the couch and floor. I realized what I had just done and started bawling my eyes out. the whole band was shocked and immediately brought me to the bathroom to clean me up. Liam, being the super overprotective one I mean duh that's why he is Daddy Direction, started a bath up while the rest cleaned up the mess. I was crying so hard and apologizing as Liam came over rubbing my back. "Babe calm your breathing no one is mad at you. I knew you were sick babe and its ok. I'm sure Zayn will forgive. Doesn't a bath sound good right now, huh, you will fell better soon babe." Liam said making me feel better knowing no one was mad at me. He started to take off my clothes and put me in the bath. He washed my body quickly and toke me out drying me with a towel. He toke me to my room putting me in some new sweats and putting me to bed.

Liam's POV

My poor baby Haz. I just want him to feel better. I need to take his temperature and I need it to be accurate. The best and most accurate is to take it... you know... rectaly. I need to talk to the other guys about this but I know that this will be the best thing to do since we have a tour coming up and he need or little curly firecracker to be all good and well. If we have the most accurate tempurtue than we know how bad it is to see what to give him. I never taken the boys empurture like that but the tour is coming up and... I think this needs to happen. I went up to Zayn and Louis so I can confront them about this whole thing. They were sitting on the couch watching god knows what and making small talk probably about Harry. "Hey mates, I need to talk about Harry" They both nodded pausing there television show and giving there full attention to whatever he has to say about there poor baby Hazza. "I know this night not be the best idea and certainly not one that Harry will agree with, but I no that it will be the best. Our tour is coming up and we need him to be all heathly and well. If we find out what his core tempurture is then we can get the right medicine for him to get better. The best way to take it is going back to the begaining, with using a rectal thermometer." he finished whispering the last part as the two boys listening jaws drop but then suddling realizing that Liam was right. "Your right Liam, but I think that it would be better if just one of us was there since it will be kinda akward. It was your idea wanna do it." Louis said as Liam nodded and left the two to do what they were doing before he talked to them. He went shopping for the supplies he needed and then walked up to Harry's room ready to tell him the news.

Third POV

Liam walked into Harry's room, the boy curled into a ball with the blackets wrapped around him looking like abselote shit. I sat on the bed making a small dip and gently sahoke the sick boy up. "Hey Hazza boo how you feeling?" Liam said as Harry slowly sat up shrugging. "Boo we need to take your temperature, rectally." Liam said getting straight to the point. Harry's eyes widened and imeddiatly tried to get away. He is still getting used to the new changes in his body. Liam gently grabbing his bicep and pushed him back on the bed. "Come on Harry, no one is judging, its the most acceret way." Liam said as he got up and got the supplies, as harry began to sob in reliazation that he was about to show Liam more of him than he would like to show. Liam came back in with the supplies and sat and Harry's bed rubbing his back. "Hazza hey boo calm down. Shhhhh everything is fine, your fine." Liam said trying to calm the curly head lad down. After about five minutes Harry finally calmed down as Liam started explaining what was about to happen. "I'm just going to lay you over my lap and check your temperature that's it, ok." Liam said as Harry started freaking out again. "Harry calm down, you have to cooperate I'm doing this for you baby." Liam said as Harry ran out of the room. He ran out to the room heading for the door when he crashed into Zayn. "Hey hey what's wrong baby, where do you think your going? Have you already got in your temperature takin?" Zayn said as he immediately realized that Harry hasn't and ran off when Harry tried to escape his grasp. Zayn took Harry and picked him up bridal style just as Liam walked in. "You found him huh, now where do you think you were going young man?" Liam said sternly as Zayn took Harry back to the room and pulled him over his lap, and gave him 10 medium smacks on his bum. "Harry your going to cooperate we're doing this for you to make you feel better, ok." Zayn said as Liam came and kenlt down so he was looking straight at his bum, and took down his pants and boxers. Harry started freaking out again and tried to pull up his pants. Zayn grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head whispering sweet nothings into the sobbing boys ear. "Come on Haz, no one is judging you, it not anything I haven't seen before." Liam said as he spread the boys checks apart and lubed his hole. As Harry keep sobbing, Liam quickly checked the boys temperature. Zayn picked the boy up and rubbed his back as Liam cleaned up. Once Harry had calmed down he immediately stood up and pulled up his pants and boxers. Zayn laughed at his modesty as Liam came in with the thermometer. "102.5 looks like you have a fever. That means you young man get to stay in bed and get some rest. Do you want Zayn to stay with you?" Liam asked as Harry nodded and the two boys cuddled together and immediately fell asleep.

As much as Harry didn't want to admit, but he liked all the attention the four boys were giving him. A week later he got back to normal and everyone was happy and healthy again.

Sorry it took so long to update! I really need promts I'm clueless!! I also need to no rather you want Josh or not. Vote,comment, promts PLZZZZ!!! Thanks guys love you all!!! I WONT UPDATE TILL I GET PROMTS!!

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