Chapter Four

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Here's Chapter Four!!! I decided just to make them seperate chapters. Sorry for the long wait! Hopefully, this longish chapter will make up for it!

What do you think of the new cover art??? It was made by xCautionHelpNeededx!!!

Happy Reading!


Drowning in His Love

Chapter 4

As I had talked to mom, I paced back and forth, slowly making my way out of sight of the door. By the time the conversation ended, I stood next to the door, out of sight. Without even the slightest amount of hesitation, I slammed the door shut. Leaning my weight against the shaking cursing door, I noticed the chair next to the door. I reached out to the chair, but my fingers barely brushed the wooden armrest. Nathan put more weight onto the door, sliding an inch open. I squeaked in surprise and pushed again at the same time reaching blindly for the chair. This time my fingers firmly grasped the chair. I didn't waste any time in shoving the chair under the door, firmly blocking the entrance. Then I started to book it towards cover in the mesquite trees and brush. Somehow, I made it to cover. Though I could hear Nathan cursing and running behind me. I crouched low, trying to run as fast i could while staying hidden. When I could, I doubled back, trying to confuse him. I know he would eventually find me; I was running on borrowed time. The longer I evaded him, the more hope gathered in my chest. Perhaps I would manage to get away. A smile grew on my face until I was grinning like a maniac.

Spotting a large tree that provided good coverage, I dove for the shade. Even though it was October, it still got hot; especially in this part of Arizona. I crouched on the ground, trying to catch my breath. The last time I had run this much was before the war when there were still marching bands. After the mythical essiantly took over, sports and other exculair activities nearly disappeared over night. There were still teams, but no one really played openly anymore. When I say that, I am referring to humans. I missed being apart of the family the band created. And I really missed my fellow guard members. I was the only one who ended up staying put; they had either moved away to live with family, gotten killed, or are currently hiding.

When my breath was regained, I looked around me, trying to figure out where exactly I was. In the distance, a small water tower stood alone on a hill. I instantly recognized it. It was the safe house my dad had made when the war started. The moment it was completed, he joined the human army and was killed four months later. Heck, he had started it before it even started. If I could make the half mile to the hill, I was home free. There was enough food and supplies to house an army for at least several months. I planned on hiding out there until the coast was clear then I would disappear with mom.

Glancing about one last time, I decided the cost was clear. Slowly, I inched my way out of my hiding spot. I didn't even make it even ten feet when I heard growling right behind me. "Shit." I cursed before running like a bat out of hell. I didn't waste time or energy trying to hide; he knew exactly where I was. I ignored the stitch in my side and my burning lungs. I couldn't stop no matter. The longer I ran, I started to realize he was letting me run. That's when I remembered wolves loved to chase their prey. The down side to running as fast as I could, I didn't have time to judge very long where I put my feet. The rock I landed on after I attempted to leap over a small wash shifted and I tumbled backwards into the loose sand. My ankle throbbed painfully, letting me know I wouldn't be going anywhere fast anytime soon. Not that it mattered. A large wolf leaped in to the wash, pinning me to the hot ground. His ears were pinned back and his teeth were bared angrily. His anger was larger than a tsunamis wave. I gulped. "Heeeyyyy Nathan. Nice day for a stroll isn't it?" He snarled loudly, shutting me up. The wolf made a series of growls and barks, giving me the impression that he was either yelling at me or lecturing me. Probably both.

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