Ch. 20 New home

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I stood there looking off into the distance, I swung my legs over the edge and sang quietly to myself.

"One thousands this years this story starts-" I got swept off the ground, I giggled girly. "Stop Draco. . ." I looked up at his face it was no longer blurred out but. . .he dropped me suddenly, I yelped expecting to hit the ground but instead was being shaken, I woke and looked at Hermione. "Hermione. . .im sorry for yesterday but can we sleep first." I looked as she crossed her arms. "Im fine. . Fine! But you know about the dog and Snape, we found it, com on!" She grabbed my arm, I was still dressed due to the fact I fell asleep with it on. We got down stairs and I looked at each of them, "So we must be as quiet or someone will hea-" Neville turned the spinny chair around (sowwie idk the name xD) I looked at him. "Oh I hear, and you'll just get us in trouble. . .you'll have points taken off. . .i- i'll fight you if I have to!"

He held up his fists, I looked at Hermione and she nodded. "I'm really sorry about this Neville" I closed my eyes and she said the spell suddenly Neville thunked to the groun, motionless. I blink and look at Hermiome I lean down and poke him. Nothing. "Sorry Neville" I whisper, we get under the cloak and walk down the halls. We got to the door and open it, there was a harp playing, I look at the three-headed dog and gulp before slowly walking toward it. The Harp suddenly stopped, my eyes widened and I looked at the dog without thinking I started singing. "Hush now, quiet now, it's time to go to bed." I sang it over and over before stopping for breath the dog sat up, I blinked and quickly ran to the harp, 'it's like a violin. Right?'

I thought to myself and then started playing it slowly. I opened my eyes and looked at the three and nod my head they walked to the hatch and push the dogs paw off it opening it, "Psst, Y/n come one" Ron whispered, "You go first Im the one playing remember" His eyes widened and he nodded the three jumped in, I sighed and suddenly ran for the hatch the music stopped and the dog moved and got up, I slid down the hatch getting a large gash on my left oarm forfofrom the dogs claw, (Crap I just noticed ive been writing in matallic, ignore that plz >. <) I yelp in pain and slide into the hatch closing it, I landed in a patch of something and started struggling inmpain to the roots grabbing the gash. I look around the three not there, I struggled more in fear and stopped suddenly not able to breath, I moved but kept getting tighter. "Y/n!!! Stop struggling it will make it worse"

I kept not able to breath, Hermione looked up and looked around then grabbed her wand, My vision got blurry and It started to fade, I saw something bright like. . .fire. I blinked and suddenly hit the ground next to the three coughing and sputtering, "Yn your arm!" Hermione pointed out, I look at it and flinch in pain, Hermione grabbed her wand and said something making bandages appear. She wrapped it around my arm and helped me up,we got to the next room and looked around, flying keys? There was a door we all ran over to it, locked. . . Iglanced at a broom in the center of the room, "Y/n you're the best flyer here-" Ron cut Harry off, "We're looking for an old fashioned key, copper like the knob, ohhh that one!!" He suddenly pointed to a key with a broken wing, I look up at the key and get on the broom almost suddenly the keys came at me, I screamed as one hit my face making my lip bleed I blink and go after the old fashioned one, "Catch!" I grabbed the key and tossed it to Hermione she caught it and opened the door all three standing waiting for me, I zoom in the broom hit somthing and flipped me off of it. I smile as Harry helps me up, I look around.

Giant chess. . . Ron looks at me, I take a step back. "You- you're the best one here, I can only do it in obvious spots. . ." I sigh, looking at Ron I stand. "Hermione go stand at that spot, you're queen. Harry there you're king, Ron st-" Ron cut me off suddenly. "I'll be knight," I stare at him walking over. "Ron! It's to dangerous! Let me take it!" Ron got on and looked at me. "Go to E4" I whimper and walk next to Harry, We stand there the game going suddenly Ron shouts himself out. "Ron no!" The king walks up to him and hithis knight, hitting him off to, Ingulp and see Hermione go and move. "Hermione no!" She stopped. "We need to finish the game." She nodds and looks at Ron then me, shakily I look at Harry King F5. He sloely walks out and stops, I walk forward 4 times. "Err. . .Queen E7." She walks out, I look around, 'The spots open. . .I might get hit. . .I don't care! This is for Ron!' I gulp and look forward walking torwards the end. "Y/n don't!"

Presence to a Traitor (Draco x Reader x Harry)Where stories live. Discover now