Summer (Part 3)

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Prompt from fanficy-prompts.

Prompt #3: Day at the Beach
Name 1: Scott
Name 2: Cassidy

"Hey Cassy, what did you want to do this summer? Refresh my memory. " Scott asked one day out of the blue. "Ok well I wanted to go to the amusement park and the beach and..." As Cassidy was about to go on a tangent Scott cut hey off. "Perfect! To the beach it is. I mean we just bought those bathing suits why not? And more importantly, why didn't I think of that?" Scott asked puzzled. "Because, darling, I'm the one with the ideas in this relationship." Cassidy said with an impish smile. "Why I oughta!" Scott said advancing menacingly as he walked towards her, wiggling his fingers in a tickling motion. "No! Scott! You wouldn't...ahhhh! Scott! Stop! I'm sorry! I love you!" Cassidy screamed as she was tickled within an inch of her life. "Haha I love you too Cassy." Scott said, finally satisfied after torturing her.

• At the beach •

"Ok so that spot looks cosy and empty enough. I'll go set the umbrella and towels down. You go get the bag from the car." Cassidy told Scott already walking towards the clearing. When he got back Cassidy was putting on somebody sun screen. "I thought we were going in the water?" Scott said puzzled. "We are I just want to tan a bit first." She replied, lying face down on her towel. 'No chance. She's getting in the water if I have to throw her in myself!' Scott thought to himself. So he did exactly that. He picked her up and hoisted her over his shoulder like a sac of flour and started walking towards the water. "Scott, you wouldn't dare! Scott put me down!" She screamed but it was ineffective. Scott just continued marching to the cold and unforgiving water. "Ok Cassy I'm giving you one chance to go in willingly before I throw you in." Scott said almost mocking her as he wadded into the water. He went until the water reached his waist line deeming the water deep enough to throw his girlfriend in. "No? Alright then." And with that said Scott unceremoniously threw Cassidy in the water. When she failed to come up Scott got a little worried when he was suddenly pulled underwater. "Haha paybacks a real bite in the butt isn't it?" Cassidy mocked Scott as he came up gasping for air. "Ok, alright you made your point. I won't throw you in anymore." Scott said, glancing at Cassidy from the corner of his eye. "I guess I just have to do this!" And he made a huge splash directed at Cassidy's face. After a long splash war the couple finally called it quits and swam to the shore to lie down. "I'm tanning so don't you dare bother me!" Cassidy told him. "Alright fine. Sheesh you make one mistake." Scott said, putting his hands up in surrender. He lay down next to her and closed his eyes just taking in the fresh air and the waves hitting the shore. "Thank you for today. I had a lot of fun." Cassidy told him, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Yeah it was a good day." He agreed and shut his eyes once more.

Hi everyone, sorry I didn't post yesterday but I somehow got sick in the middle of summer and I have no idea how. But as promised I'll post double if I miss a day so here's yesterday's. As always let me know what you like what you don't and any ways to improve are always appreciated. Love you all.

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