Romans 12:2// You were created to stand out!

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Seriously, you were created to stand out!
Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will."
I really want to concentrate on the first part of this verse for a second. The Lord spoke through Paul in his word saying that we should not conform to the pattern of this world. He tells us right there in the book of Romans that we aren't supposed to just "go with the flow" and do what everyone else is doing! God didn't create us to lead ordinary lives. He called us to be set apart by his Grace, and we can't do that if we're living like we're of this world. The second part of that says that we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind. What does that mean? Well, what it means for me is that I can't resist the temptations of this world on my own. For me, it's stating that in order for me to not conform to the pattern of this world, I have to go to my heavenly daddy and ask for him to help me! I can do this by waking up every day and praying for God to give me wisdom, good judgement, and the power to resist the temptations of this world that the enemy puts in front of me on a daily basis.
The other day, I had some guy at school ask me if I was a Christian. Now that is a whole other story for another time, but it really got me thinking, why did he ask me that? Isn't it obvious that I'm a Christian? Or do I only act like a Christian sometimes and he can't tell whether I am or not? Ever since that day that question hasn't left my mind. Every day I wake up and try my hardest to live my life to where people are certain that I'm a Christian. And I have to ask the Lord every day to renew my mind so I am able to live my life for Him.
I know this has been a pretty long post, and I may do a series on this later! But the main thing I want you to get from this is that YOU were made to stand out. God didn't create you to live like everyone else, He created you to live your life for Him! If living your life for him makes you different from everybody else, then I want to be different! I want to encourage you to really think about Romans 12:2 and what it means for you.
💜 Emily Kate

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