2 Timothy 4:2//When Life Gives You Lemons

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"Opportunity- a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something."

"Evangelism- the spreading of the Christian gospel by public preaching or personal witness"

"Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching."
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:2‬ ‭(NLT)

Have you ever had the opportunity to be an evangelist? To share the word and love of God with the people around you? I bet the answer is yes. My real question should be, have you chosen to take the opportunity to be an evangelist and share the word and love of Christ with others?

You've probably heard the phrase, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Most people would interpret this as you should choose to be optimistic even when life gives you not-so-great situations or circumstances. But I think we can apply this in a biblical sense too! It says in 2 Timothy that we are to preach the word of God. No, that doesn't mean you have to get up on a stage and have a perfect hour long sermon for hundreds of people. But it does mean we should be sharing the word of God and His love to others! I know God gives us opportunities to share Him with other people, he's just waiting for us to take it. Basically, we have to look for "lemons" (opportunities) from God, and make our own Jesus love lemonade! It's easier said than done, as you probably know. But it's sooo worth it! My next post will be on boldness, and you definitely have to be bold to share the name of Jesus and his love!!

I love the movie Finger of God, and right now it's on Netflix!! You should check it out for sure! There's a part in it about Treasure Hunts, and I'm also working on a series about those! It really goes along well with this post and sharing the word of God! I hope you all got something out of this, and I'm writing to myself just as much as I'm writing to y'all! I haven't taken every opportunity God has put in front of me, but I want to start!

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