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Ramona's POV
After I kissed back and woke up Jackson was crying tears of joy and so was my family. I haven't thought about forgiving my father it's going be a while. The doctor's say I was lucky that I fought for my life. They suggested I get a little help with my depression. Well lots causes it like the spilt up, the divorce and of course my father cheating again and again. Plus Jackson. Hey guys I say pretty quiet since the well problem caused me to lose my voice for a little. Its coming back tho that's good. "Hey" they all said. "Would you like ice cream Ramona"? The nurse asks. Yeah that would be great right now. "Guys can I have talk to Ramona in private"? Jackson asks them. "Okay they say as they leave the room. "Ramona I'm sorry.." But I caught him off. Jackson I heard you earlier. "You did?" He says confused. Yes and I forgive you but I need time and can you get Lola? "Okay sure take your time" he says sadly but trying to hide it. "Hi" Lola says to me. Hey thanks for coming I forgive you but did do horrible stuff to me. Plus you made commit the pill thing I say to her crying. I thought we were friends and you did horrible stuff. "Ramona I'm so so sorry I shouldn't cheated and hurt you and especially made do that to yourself" she says it in tears.
Lola's POV
I'm so happy she's okay. She calls me and I tell her I shouldn't made her hurt herself I said with tears she pulls me in for a hug. "Its okay I forgive you" she says as she cries too. We both cry together as we hug. The doctor came into tell her she can go home. Hey can I sleep over? I ask her. " yeah that's fine I will ask my mom" she tells me. Okay I will be right back I tell her. So Jackson you don't have feelings for me? "I don't have feelings for you I love Ramona". Then go after her she still loves you.
Jackson's POV
I love Ramona and I hope she can be with me or did I cause too much damage. I hope I didn't cause I don't think I can live without her in my life. Her mom told she is not mad anymore and she said she should of know Ramona was not okay. I was happy she was not mad anymore, but I was sad about her not with me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Will Ramona forgive her father or not. Will she be with Jackson or will she move on. What you guys think?

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