Holy crud TAGGED

101 14 20

Well, I got tagged by this bish(jk They're really swaggers) BooksElysium

Post 13 facts about yourself and tag 15 people, I don't think I know that many people on Wattpad


1.) Im an otaku

2.) I love anime songs, especially Vocaloid

3.) I'm named after cats but I'm allergic to them. So technically I'm allergic to myself... 😳

4.) I watched anime before but then stopped when gaming happened. Then I decided to watch Sword Art Online, which got me back into anime and then drawing.

5.) I started drawing seriously when I came back to anime and it took me 2 or so years to draw where I am today.

6.) I don't like writing but I'm here on Wattpad... Woah me, I'm so great (I'm being sarcastic)

7.) My friends had Wattpad accounts but I didn't, and then I wanted to be more into the group and started it myself.

8.) I think a lot more than you think I am.

9.) I'm surprised at the fact I haven't died yet... I'm sure God loves me, so he wouldn't put me here on purpose right?

10.) Jk I'm actually Satan, well my siblings call me a devil anyways.

11.) For some reason, a few of my OCs used to kill people for a job (like Mikoto). Does that mean something?

12.) If you asked me to do something, I would probably do it, if I wanted to

13.) I'm ehh for real guys and into anime guys. But I consider myself asexual, and don't discriminate people for sex nor sexuality nor problems.

IM DONE!!!!!

Tags: firefangOC MARY1359 KumajiroWilliams AnyWhereElse DarkGayRainbow75 BootySpoon fairlytroye RainingStorms Die_komplett_andere

That's all the peeps I know

The Infected

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