A place full of crap-- I mean --sketches, doodles and things that are somewhat related to art. Beware. For my horrible art skills will scar you forever...
Feel free to request me!
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
"Wow. You're so ignorant."
Well, I don't know how to explain myself. Lots of people have rant art or something. It makes me feel bad, because I really don't have any rant art???! Usually, people's rant art is better than their actual art, and it's just confusing, but I personally think it would be fun
Letting all your emotions out with paper and pencil. You don't have to worry about anyone seeing nor judging. You just draw And tell a story Perhaps your own story
That's how I see it.
Like seriously. I can't stop looking at the hands and not be wowed by surprise. The second hand just looks so neat?! 👀Practice does help. But anyways, if you want to hear the story about this.....scene. Comment and I'll tell it!
- Zero
P.S. Finals are coming and then I'll be free!( just like my other friends) I might make an update about it, so it'll warn you that this summer will be full of practicing for me. Hope you guys are going great! ✨