Chapter 1

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My name is Athenz. I know it is weird, but my parents didn't want anything normal. They also loved Greek Mythology and the idea of Pokemon being apart of the many Gods and Goddesses. My mother's favorite Goddess is Athena, the Goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. A lot to do with her Pokemon journey. My 10th birthday is today and that means I can finally get my first Pokémon. I live in Pallet Town and all that means is that I get to see Professor Oak today. My best friends and rivals, Natalie, Amethyst, and Candor are coming with me. I woke up early and said bye to my mom. I ran outside of my little house to see my quiet little town going about their business.
"Ath!" I could hear my best friend's voice calling out her nickname to me. Natalie's long pink hair and large brown eyes staring at me with complete happiness. Her blue jeans and Gengar shirt showing her favorite Pokémon. Her birthday was last month, but she waited for me because we're all going on the Pokemon journey together. Amethyst and Candor soon joined us.
The little town had a few shops, a few more homes, and a giant lab in the middle of town. We all took the short walk in silence to the lab of the best professor in the world. Professor Oak has been studying Pokémon since he was a little boy. His research is absolutely essential to understanding the Pokémon world.
We arrived at the door. The door that would change our lives forever. Amethyst opened the door for someone and Candor went first. Amethyst always wore a necklace with the gem of her name. She was wearing a plain purple shirt and blue jeans that fit her perfectly. Candor always wore a bracelet with an infinity symbol on his right wrist. It was given to him by his father the day he passed away. It was meant to symbolize, 'forever truth'. Which is what his name means. I've never heard him tell a lie to anyone.
Natalie walked behind Candor excitedly awaiting her first Pokémon. I walked behind her nervously and Amethyst closed the door behind us.
The main lobby of the lab was full of lab techs going about their business. Computers lined the metal walls flashing different areas of research. One computer I noticed was showing the three evolutions of Eevee.
I always liked Eevee. The mysteriousness of the multiple evolution lines that could possibly even have more. I've heard rumors that it has another one called Espeon and another called Umbreon. I wondered about what types, moves, and their appearance.
Everyone walked by us like we weren't there. A few of the techs were mumbling to themselves as they worked.
Then we saw him, Professor Oak. I was so excited because he wasn't working and looked to be expecting us. Or maybe he just saw us come through the door and knew we were wanna-be trainers.
Natalie ran up to him first. She was blathering on like a fan girl about how he was the greatest Professor of them all and she started complementing some of his work.
He just looked and smiled. I then pulled Natalie back and started talking to him. "Sorry about her, she's just really hyper and excited. Well, I guess I should introduce us, I'm Athenz, excited girl is Natalie, purple shirt is Amethyst, and he's Candor," I say this while pointing at each one. He nods and then speaks.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Professor Oak, and I'm guessing you're all here to get your first Pokémon," he says in a state of the matter fact.
"Yes we are," I say thinking about the starters. I really would like a different Pokémon because I believe that I will be someone fantastic and maybe even a Pokémon master. I just won't be like that loser Ash kid with his Pikachu. I'll actually train my Pokémon before a battle. Then my train of thought went back to the three starters, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, or Charmander. I haven't decided which one I would want. The Professor starts talking again breaking me from my thoughts.
He was well shaven and looked younger than he actually was. His white lab coat covering his whole body.
"Well, I can sense that you will be great trainers so I will give each of you a hand-picked starter." He says and we all jump for joy that THE Professor is actually giving us his pick of Pokémon. "Starting with you Candor, I feel that you should have a Pokémon that fits well with your personality. So I give to you a Growlithe." The Professor then handed Candor a red and white ball that I quickly remembered was a Poke Ball. Candor held the ball close to him as he loved his choice of Pokémon. "Amethyst, it is with great honor that I give you your Pokémon," he said this while he pondered which Pokémon belonged with her. "I think you deserve the rare gem, Dratini." He said this as he handed her another Poke Ball that contained the Dratini. Amethyst squealed. "Natalie," she squealed and acted like a fan girl as she was excited he said her name, "I see on your shirt that you're a Gengar fan. You can't have a Gengar without a Gastly, so I give to you a Gastly." Natalie squealed as she received her favorite type of Pokémon as her starter. "Athenz, I notice that you are just like your mother. You look and act just like her. She won so many battles. And I'll start you out with the same Pokémon she did. Here's your very own Eevee," I was so excited. I finally had my own Eevee. The coolest Pokemon ever. I & the Eevee got to choose its path. We may even get an Espeon or Umbreon. Who knows?
"Thank you!" We all screamed at him. He seemed startled for a second but quickly regained composure
"You're welcome my new trainers." Then he handed us a device that recorded the Pokémon. "This device is known as the Pokedex. It records a Pokemon's information once scanned." He handed us each five Poke Balls and then quickly said goodbye. We all thanked him again and walked out the door, screaming and squealing about our new Pokemon and how nice the Professor was. We then all threw our Pokemon out and they all appeared.
Candor's Growlithe looked confused then super happy because he really liked that he had been picked to be with a Pokémon trainer. He was a smallish red and gold dog that could spit serious fire. He jumped onto Candor, knocking him onto the ground, the fire type licking his new trainer's face to show he liked him. Candor only laughed. It was good to see him laugh, especially since we haven't heard it since his dad's passing.
Amethyst's Dratini seemed really shy, just like Amethyst herself. She was a small blue snake like creature with an orb on its head. Then the Pokémon slithered up her arm and rested on her shoulder. Amethyst gently pet her head and she purred to show approval.
Natalie's Gastly was licking Natalie in the face and she was laughing. The Gastly was a floating purple and black spirit orb. She was such a nut. Wasn't there some type of myth that if a Gastly licks you in the face, then you're paralyzed?
Then I looked at my Eevee. He was a small brown and white fox that was so darn cute. He stared at me then started coming at me. I flinched because I thought he was going to hurt me, but he just jumped onto my shoulder. I pet its body and the Pokémon purred in excitement.
Good, all of our Pokémon liked us. We all walked away to our homes to say our goodbyes to our families and to pack our belongings before our journey began. I walked into my house to see my mom sitting on the sofa enjoying a new tea mixture she concocted up. The last one was pineapple, strawberry, apple, and mint. It actually wasn't half bad. This one smelt like a mixture of kiwi and mint. Mom really liked mint. And tea.
I ran up to my room to pack my backpack with a map, Eevee helped me pack my clothes. I thanked him numerous times. He just smiled a toothy smile at me and repeated his name. I packed seven day's worth of outfits and then packed my toothbrush, deodorant, body spray, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. My long blonde hair needs constant care.
After packing my satchel, I put the strap over my body and Eevee jumped back on my shoulder. I then ran back downstairs to tell mom goodbye.
"I see that you have an Eevee." My mom's Leafeon was sitting in her lap. This Leafeon had won her multiple battles. Including a battle against a Moltres. I never understood how she could defeat that with a four times weakness to it. "I love you son, and wish you the best. Just promise you'll be safe. I can't lose you like I lost your father." I quickly promised I would be safe. Then she packed me twelve water bottles, each filled with a different kind of tea and labeled on the bottle. She then gave me a big hug and said her final goodbye. I promised I'd be back soon. She just rolled her eyes and then shooed me out of the door.
I then ran to the start of Route 1. Natalie and Candor were standing there waiting. Each one had a bag of their own and their Pokémon close by. Amethyst appeared shortly after, she still had her now less shy Dratini on her shoulder. We were all now standing at the entrance to Route 1. There was no going back now.
"You guys better be ready because here we come world!" Natalie said this screaming to the oncoming world. The rest of us just smiled.
We entered the route and said goodbye to our home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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