My Best Friend, The Player. Chapter 5.

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Heyy, i'm gonna try and upload a couple of times this week so i can get the story rolling! and so you guys don't get bored!:)x-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Over the past few weeks me and Katie were as close as ever, but there just wasn't that spark there. I don't know what it was, but i just couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She was acting really strangely, like when i tried to make her laugh, she usually blushed right in front of me, but now when i tell a joke, she looks away like she doesn't want me to see!


Ever since me and Callum kissed, our whole best friends relationship  has totally changed. But the problem is that it's only me that has changed it. I feel like i can't do certain things around him now. It's really strange because when we were babies, our mom's used to put us in the pool naked with each other! So i don't know why i can't do stuff that we used to before the kiss. Maybe i am falling for him? Maybe it's all just a dream and i can't wake up? My heart skips a beat when i see him and that's not something you should feel when you see your bestfriend, is it?

Anyway, this weekend me and Callum are going to see one of my favourite bands in concert! I am so excited, it will just be me and Callum, but that's okay. We are seeing The Kings of Leon and me and Callum both like them so it should be really good. It's not going to be like one of those normal concerts in the stadiums. This one is an open-air concert, it's in a big field with a stage and everyone just dances and sings at the top of there lungs and doesn't care!

It's 7:30 and the cocert starts at 8:00. I hear a knock on the front door, my que to hurry up. Callum has been waiting outside for the past 10 minutes so i ran downstairs, said goodbye to my parents, grabbed my bag and jumped into the taxi that had just turned up. As we got out of the cab, i could hear that they were doing the sound checks already so i made Callum run to get a good spot.

First came the supporting act, they were okay but not as good as the main performance.

In the interval i went to the toilet while Callum got us some drinks. There was a hill just next to the field so we climbed up it and sat on the grass to rest our feet. The sun was just setting and the next song had started to play.The view from the top of the hill was even better than when we were down by the stage.

Before i realised what i was doing, i leaned my head on Callum's shoulder and he reacted by putting his arm round me. It was perfect, two people sitting on the top of a hill listening to great music with the sun setting in the background. Paradise.

At the end of the last song, we just sat on the hill drinking the last of our drinks. i must of fell asleep as i couldn't remember the journey home. All i remember was me waking up when Callum was carrying me up the stairs. I looked at him and mouthed thankyou. I laid my head on his shoulder and went back to sleep.


i hoped you liked it and please please pleeeaasseee comment, i don't care if it's good or bad, i just need some feedback!!!! and if you are the first to comment then i will dedicate the next chapter to you!!:)

P.s when you are reading this, you should definitly listen to coldplay, paradise, i am right now!!:) This song is amazing and it just gave me the idea of the hill scene. Soo hope you like it, comment, vote and fan!:)xx

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