It Finally Happened

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Chapter 1

With the sun bright in my eyes, I blinked repeatedly until the light didn’t burn. It was a quiet Sunday morning until I heard it. From the living room of my summer, home I heard a loud screech. As I walked out of my room, I stopped in fear as I saw the creature with my little sister in its mouth as she whimpered in pain. I ran back into my room to grab the handgun I had kept hidden under my bed. As I ran back into the living room my sister was gone and the creature was running full speed towards me.

I pointed the gun at its head and shot it. When it hit the ground, I could not help but gag at the sight of blood and brains pouring out of the wound. When I collected myself, I started to look for my little sister.

I saw the blood trail from where I had seen the creature eating her and decided to follow it. As it went into the kitchen, I saw her. Curled up into a little ball in the corner with her head on her knees, she didn’t make a sound.

“Ra…Raven?” I asked quietly just so that she would hear me. Raven looked up at me, let out a high-pitched screech, and started to crawl at me as if I looked like a snack to her. But, in a weird sense, I was. She had become one of the creatures. A zombie.

I screamed as Raven tried to bit my leg. I didn’t want to do it but I had to. I held the gun up to her head but I couldn’t shoot as her blue eyes stared right at me. Like she was looking into my soul. But as she grabbed at my leg, I let my finger pull the trigger.

With a soft moan, she fell to the ground. As I stared upon her lifeless body, I couldn’t help but drop next to her dead body and cry. The last time I had cried that much was when I found out that my mom was very sick and could not leave her bedroom.

“MOM!” I screamed. But as I went to her door, I noticed at the corner of my eye that another zombie was standing in the doorway of the front door. I turned around just in time to see the zombie running towards me. I pulled out the gun, pulled the trigger, but the gun was empty.

Chapter 2

                  The zombie threw itself into me and I flew into the wall behind me. I hit the wall hard, all the air from my lungs escaped, and I couldn’t regain it. The zombie tried biting at me but I held it back. Luckily, my father was a crazy man and kept a gun in most of the drawers in the house. In the table next to me, I tried to keep the zombie away from my skin as I tried to open the drawer to the table. The draw opened but the gun was all the way in the back of it.

                  I had to push the zombie away from me to try and get it. To try and get a little more time I kick it in the chest and it fell backward and hit its head hard on the floor. I reached deep into the draw and found what I was looking for. Another handgun was in my hand. I turned around to see that the zombie wasn’t there anymore. With confusion, I slowly walked forward with the gun ready to be aim and shot. As I turned the corner of the hallway, it was standing there looking right at me. I thought I was tripping but I thought that it had smiled before it came at me. But this time I was prepared and I shot it in the head. When it dropped to the ground, I turned and ran toward my mother’s room. When I opened the door she was asleep on her bed, or at least I thought she was asleep. When I got closer, I noticed the blood on the blanket. I heard a low moaning sound and I turned around to see my father in the corner of the room looking at me.

                  He was covered in blood and bit marks. They had gotten him to and from the look of it, he had got my mother. I loved how I did not like my dad at all. He was a drunk and had beaten me ever since I was 7 years old, and I’m 16 now. He also had beaten Raven when she was 9 years old but I had jumped in and got into a fistfight with him as mother took her to her room and made sure she was ok. I never won a fight with my father but I also never gave up either. 17 times, had I had to go to the hospital because of him and if I didn’t make up a lie for him, he said he would beat my mother and sister until they were dead.

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