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After Dean asked me if I wanted to go on a hunt world war 3 almost started up. I looked to Mia who looked shocked to say the least. I walked over to her and bent down to her level.

"I'll say no if you don't want me to." I say to her. I knew she wouldn't want to go. Her reaction when she found out about demons scared her enough. She didn't need to experience it.

"No its OK. I'll stay here with Bobby. He can teach me stuff." She says. I nod and hug her. 

"No Dean! She's 14! She doesn't deserve to experience the horrors of what you 2 do!" Bobby yells and Dean looked beyond pissed and was too mad to say anything so, I stepped in the middle of things.

"Hey! Last time I checked this was my decision! It was directed to me, not you guys!" I shout. That silenced the entire room. They were all, save for Mia, were impressed. 

"Now that you have all shut up, yes, I would like to go on a hunt." I start to say and Bobby goes to speak but I cover his mouth with my hand to prevent him from saying anything. "As long as you don't a, get me killed, b, don't use me as bait and c, don't leave me alone." I look to Sam and Dean and take my hand away from Bobby's mouth. 

"Yes OK. OK, now we're getting somewhere. Mia, do you want to come to?" Dean asks my little sister and she shakes her head.

"No, I'm good." She says. Dean nods and walks toward me.

"I'm showing you, how to shoot a gun." Dean says to me and I smile. Great, father/daughter time. This should be fun.

We walk out to Bobby's shooting range that I found while wondering the yard with all the different cars. Once we reach the shooting bit I see different types of guns set out on a table. There were a few hand guns and some shotguns. I didn't know what type they were though.

"Basically the same as a crossbow. Just look down the middle, aim and shoot." Dean explains. He aims one of the hand guns and shoots. Easily hitting the middle of the target. I nod and get a hold of the gun. I do as he says and pull the trigger. I hit close to the middle but the other shots were on the outside edges.

"I think the first shot was the best." I say, looking behind me to see stunned Dean.

"You will be a great hunter." He says to me and I smile.

"So I've been told." I say and he smiles then picks up a shot gun/

"Most our shot guns are filed down since we use them as salt guns. That doesn't change it but, it is something you need to know." Dean explains to me. I nod and take hold of the gun. Doing the same I shoot the double barrel gun and hit around the target. 

"You got a crossbow here?" Dean asks me and I nod.

"Yeah of course." I say.

"Go get it and get Sam and Bobby." Dean instructs me. I look at him curiously but nod and run off to get my crossbow.

When I get in the door Sam is sitting on his laptop with Mia. Almost as if they were doing research. Sam looks up when he sees me.

"Where's Dean?" He asks me. I was going through my bags, trying to find the familiar case.

"At the shooting range. When I find my bow you and Bobby have to come with me for some reason." I say. I then find the case and crack it open. There was my shiny, black bow sitting there. I hadn't touched it in 6 months but, because of the case, it didn't collect dust.

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