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As much as Dean didn't want to and as much as we didn't want to, Mia and I were currently sitting in a hotel room waiting for this case to be over. I wasn't very happy about it and I didn't want to be here at all but we made an agreement to not go to school if we had to stay here the entire time. We also weren't allowed to leave if we weren't together. Basically, we were on quite strict rules and we could only leave if it meant we were getting food.

Currently, I was sitting on my bed, playing the games I have on my iPod, as well as music. I was bored out of my mind and didn't want to be here. I insisted on staying at Bobby's but Dean wouldn't buy it and said that his decision was final. We hadn't heard that expression in a while and we were both shocked by it. Suddenly, my phone started ringing and the caller ID read Dean.


"How you guys going?" I hear Sam ask. Oh yeah, I switched over the names of the boys so that if they called then it would be a different name.

"Oh hey Sam. Yeah, we're fine. You guys got in?" I ask.

"Yeah. We found out that one of our dads hunting buddies is also in here so we're going to help him with the case. Should take about a week, you guys fine until then?" Sam asks me.

"Yeah. Hopefully. See you in a week." I say.

"You to." I say then the call ends and I sigh. Back to the phone thing, if Sam called then the caller ID would read Dean, if Dean called then the caller ID would read Sam and if Bobby called, then the caller ID would read Bobby, because I'm lazy. This is all because I practically refuse to use their fake names in my phone, this was the next option.

"They got in?" Mia asks me and I nod.

"Yeah. Sam said that it should take about a week since they have a hunting buddy with them. They'll call if it takes them longer." I say and she nods and walks over to me. I shuffle over on my bed and she rests her head on my shoulder then sighs. I knew she wasn't upset about much so, I had a feeling that she wanted something.

"What do you want?" I ask her.

"Food." She says and I nod.

"Food. Figures." I whisper. "OK get up. We'll go get some food." I say. She instantly gets excited and goes to put her shoes on. I slip my converse on and grab the room key and wallet. I already had my phone in my pocket so I didn't need to grab that.

We started walking down the street toward the diner and people were looking at us, as if they knew who we were but I didn't care. Just kept walking.

When we reached the diner, we walked straight up and ordered our usual; 2 cheeseburgers and chips with a couple of drinks. After we got our food we started heading back when I felt my phone ringing. Sighing, I answer it since it was an unknown number but, it was this towns same number.

"Hello?" I ask and I hear my dads voice through the speaker.

"I know Sam called like half an hour ago, but I need to know that you're fine." He says.

"I'm fine Dean. We just went out to get food and on our way back now." I say, slightly amused.

"OK. See you soon." He says then hangs up. I laugh and we continue our way back to the hotel, passing all the people judging us for some strange reason. I didn't want to know though, therefore I didn't bother to ask Mia and she didn't bother to ask me either.

Dean's POV

I wasn't very happy about leaving Darcy and Mia alone in that hotel room but I was also too stubborn to leave them at Bobby's. I was now wishing I left them at Bobby's.

"Dean, stop worrying, they'll be fine." Sam tells me and I nod.

"Yeah I know. Now, lets figure out what this thing is." I say. Sam nods and we start talking to Martin who needs help with figuring out what this thing is.

Darcy's POV

We had reached the hotel around half an hour ago and I was bored all over again. I'd had eaten all my food since I was starving and we didn't go out to get any snacks so, I let Mia go to reception and get some little snacks. I was scared to know what she came back with, in fear that she spent the 50 bucks that I gave her. As I was sitting on my bed, I got a call from one of my friends. I gulp and answer it.

"Hey Rubes." I say and she immediately scoffs.

"Don't you 'hey Rubes' me! Where the hell have you been?!" She asks and I'm confused. I would've sworn Nora told her that I had found my dad and that I was no longer living there or going to school there anymore.

"Nora didn't tell you?" I ask her.

"No. Where are you?" She asks me, more caring now and less angry.

"I found my dad and living with him now." I tell her and she had the same reaction as Nora.

"Oh wow, uh, congrats. That would explain why N isn't talking to anyone. Hell, she's hardly eating." Ruby tells me and my eyes widen at what she just told me. Mia walked in and asked me who it was and I whispered Ruby. She nods and throws my food on the bed, as well as half of my money.

"Wait, Nor's not eating?" I ask her.

"No. She won't talk to anyone and she's always down." She tells me.

"Is she with you?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"Put her on."


"Please. Just put her on." I plead.

"OK." I hear her get Nora's attention before telling her that a certain someone wanted to talk to her, not mentioning a name.

"Hey N, its me." I say once she gets a hold of the phone.

"I don't want to talk." She says.

"But you're going to anyway. Why are you so upset?" I ask her.

"The day I called you, Scott had broken up with me. As much as I wanted to ask if you were OK and stuff, I also needed to talk to you. When you told me you had found your dad, I was happy, I really was but it broke my heart to know that its not as easy to see you anymore." She explains.

"Nora, I'm just a call away. I always am and always will be. Why didn't you tell me sooner, my dads great and would do anything for me and Mia." I say softly.

"I don't know. I just really need you." She says and I could tell she was on the verge of tears and that made me want to cry also.

"OK look, I can't see you this week but, I'll see if I can come visit next week and we can talk all you want." I say to her.

"That'd be really great." I smile.

"OK, its settled then. I'll see you soon then, yeah?" I ask.


"OK well I got to go but see you guys next week." I say.

"OK. Bye." Then she hangs up the phone and I wipe away the stray tear that had managed to fall and put my phone down. Thank you Ruby for calling me.

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