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so there will be triggering things such as well violence, major character death, and self harm

oh and this will be in leafy's pov so yeee boiiii

I never really understood why I'm forced back into my apartment by my neighbor. all he ever would do if he ever saw me was just put me down and make me feel like utter shit. I'd often end up crying my way back into my apartment, which is where I feel safe the most.

I sat on my spongy bed, looking outside my window as the navy blue sky slowly turned pastel. I was slowly eating some cereal straight out of the box, admiring the sunrise and how I'm going to end up staying in the comfort of my room today.

i sighed softly while browsing through the Internet, looking through aesthetics and memes. i could hear my neighbor next door shouting and being rather obnoxious, now I could tell him to shut his ass up, but he'd either make it worse or slap me across the face in a ruthless manner.

as I sat there on my bed thinking about the situation I'm in, I then heard loud thumps coming from outside my room, which seemed like boxes being dropped on the floor. I assume someone moved in across from me, since the previous occupiers had moved to michigan I guess to see family.

I slowly opened the door and peeked, meeting the gaze of a younger male. he seemed to be younger than me, with a haircut that looked like a paintbrush. he then turned at me and smiled a bit, "uhm hello, I'm niall. is there any way you could help me with these boxes..? I don't want to spend all day loading them in here."

new understandings ; leafycynical auWhere stories live. Discover now