Chapter 3: Lonely Curse

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"And because of that, he'll pay."

The words still rang on Iwaizumi's head. He staggered and tried to maintain his balance.

What are they going to do with Oikawa? Are they going to hurt him? More importantly, what the hell was Oikawa doing?!? This was going too far!

Iwaizumi gulped. How is he going to tell Oikawa this? Does he know about the other guys?

Iwaizumi stood up and looked ahead. No. He should know about it. Despite the fact that it was in his nature to flirt, he should know the limitations.

Iwaizumi stepped forward and walked towards the gym, ready to give Oikawa a piece of his mind.




"Eh? Did you catch a cold Oikawa?"says Hanamaki, one of his close friends, while closing the zipper from his bag. Practice had just ended now and everyone was preparing to head on home.

Matsukawa, his other friend followed, "That's not good you know. Especially with the gathering coming." 

Oikawa wipes his nose. "I know that.", he replies and sniffed. He couldn't afford getting sick now that the gathering is just a few days away. He'll be sure to drink lots of water later.

"Oh yeah. Has anyone seen Iwaizumi?"

"Yeah. He hasn't come back yet."

That was weird. Oikawa wondered. Iwa-chan never misses volleyball practice.

Oikawa gave them a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. I'll wait for him to come back."

"Really? Well in that case, we'll head home now." 

"Don't be late tomorrow." Oikawa called out and waved goodbye. After they had gone, Oikawa stretched and sighed. He spots a volleyball nearby and picks it up. 

"Oh well. Might as well practice while waiting." he says to himself. He positions himself to serve the ball. Oikawa tosses the ball in the air and launches himself and hits it. The ball flies above the net and hits the ground. Oikawa lets out a triumphant smile as he yet again serves successfully. 

He walks over and picks the ball, preparing to make another serve. While he practices, he recalls his conversation with Iwaizumi. 

"Bet you wish you have a girlfriend huh?" 


"I'm not interested in anyone!"  


"...Not even me?..."

"Ah!" Oikawa is snapped back to reality as he messes his position, causing the ball to hit the net instead. Oikawa grunts and runs over to pick the ball. He bends down to take the ball and stares at it.

 "Waaah! Why did I say that?!?" he exclaimed while banging his head on the ball, embarrassed by the scene he caused yesterday.  

What the hell was he thinking??? 

Iwa-chan was his best friend. They've been together since they were kids that they're practically brothers. Well. That's how Iwaizumi sees him anyway. Oikawa had always felt different around him but he decided to keep it to himself since he values their friendship more than anything.

Oikawa presses his head with the ball. He remembers Iwaizumi's face when he pinned him at the wall. 

Those flushed cheeks and that surprised expression... Oikawa chuckled. He was so gonna tease Iwa-chan when he come back.   

Oikawa resumes his position and prepares to spike the ball. He is about to toss the ball when the door slides open and reveals Iwaizumi. 

Oikawa smiles brightly, "Iwa-chan! You're finally back. What took you so long?"

Iwaizumi stared at him for a moment and headed towards the benches too retrieve his bag.

"Iwa-chan? What's wrong?"

Iwaizumi sighs and slips his bag on his shoulder. "Nothing nothing."

Something's definitely wrong. Oikawa wonders for a moment but decides not to push it. 

"Ah right. The girls and I are going to XO Mall today. Why don't you come with us? I'm sure it'll be fu--"

"About that..." Iwa sighs. "Why don't you quit that?"

"Eh?" Oikawa replies, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Stop playing around with those girls Oikawa...don't ever get near them from now on got that?"

Oikawa steps back, startled. He wonders why Iwaizumi is acting like this. "Why?" he asks.

"Do I need a reason to tell you what I know is wrong?"

"But I've flirted and dated lots of girls already. Why say this now?"

Iwaizumi grits his teeth. "I just thought of it now okay? Now let's go home."

Oikawa clutches his arm. He was getting impatient with Iwaizumi's behavior. "No." he snaps back. 


Oikawa sighs and crosses his arms."I won't leave until you tell me whats wrong. Why are you acting like this? Did something happen?"

Oikawa noticed Iwa's face darken. "I-I told you nothing happened!"

"No. Something did happen." Oikawa steps closer towards Iwaizumi. "Why so sudden? Are you...jealous or something?"

Iwaizumi almost chocked, though Oikawa can see his face getting red. "What are you-- FINE! The reason is because you've been a flirty bastard and flirted with one of our schoolmates' girl!"

Iwaizumi scratches his head in frustration. "Oikawa why would you even think I'll be jealous?!?"

Oikawa winces at that statement. Of course. Why would he be jealous? Its not like Iwaizumi likes him. Still... hearing it like that from him felt like being shot in the heart. Why? Why can't Iwa-chan just understand his feelings?

"Oikawa just...leave them."Iwaizumi pleads. "Let's go home."

"If I do get in trouble, why don't you just come and save me then?!? Isn't that what you always do?"

Oikawa is surprised as Iwaizumi grabs him by the collar. "Why are you so ignorant about this?!?" he yells, his voice full of anger. "Can you see you're in danger? I won't always be there for you!"

Oikawa winces and grits his teeth. He pushes him away and heads over to get his bag and slings it on his shoulder. "Whatever." 

"Oikawa please. Just stop this. Don't go with them."

Oikawa brushes him off. "You don't even know the reason why I do those..." 

"Then why? Why Oikawa?"

Oikawa looks down at his feet where the ball laid. 

"Why can't you tell me...?"

Finally Oikawa couldn't take it anymore. He turned back, aware of the tears falling down his face. Knowing that the words he will say will change everything.

"That's because I love you!"     

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