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I don't really know what title I should give this, so I'll leave it to you guys. 

Anyway! Here's the extra chapter I promised! I was planning to make this a smut story but I don't think I can make smut stories yet xD

Enjoy you num nums!




Iwaizumi clears his throat as he stands in front of the door. It was a Saturday morning and he is in front of Oikawa's house after the latter pestered him to come visit him after just getting home from the hospital.

As expected, his mother answers the door, her eyes lighten up as she peeks her head out. "Oh! Hajime, it's you!"

"Hi Auntie." Iwaizumi greeted. Oikawa's mother smiled and invited him inside.

"Oikawa's been expecting you." she says. "He's been going on and on about wanting to see you and stuff."

"Well I don't blame him. It's been weeks since we last saw each other." Iwaizumi says. Which was kind of true. Iwaizumi wasn't able to visit Oikawa the first week he was admitted to the hospital due to himself having a fever. When he did get to visit him, he only did it in such a short time due to him still having class the next day.

"Tooru, sweetie." Oikawa's mom says, in an affectionate tone."Hajime is here."

Iwaizumi looks over and saw Oikawa sitting on the bed. He was pouting as he crossed his arms. Iwaizumi steps in the room. "Hey."

"So where have you been?" Oikawa growls, his eyes blazing in anger. 

"I told you. I'm sorry for not visiting you often at the hospital. I've been busy with school and practice." Iwaizumi reasons out. But it only resulted with Oikawa rolling his eyes.

Iwaizumi sighs and raises his hand, which is carrying a grocery bag, "I've bought you some milk bread."

"Uh huh." Oikawa replies, still not convinced. "Is this your way of saying sorry Iwa-chan?"

Iwaizumi was about to say something when Oikawa raises his hand. "No I don't wanna hear anything else."

Oikawa's mother shifted uncomfortably. "I...uh...I'll get some drinks for that." she says as she exited the room.

Iwaizumi looked on as Oikawa positions himself out of the bed and grabs his crutches. He groans as he tries to stand up. Iwaizumi rushes to help. 

"Do you need my help?"

Oikawa waves him off. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I just need to grab a clean shirt."

Oikawa pushes him aside and headed over towards his cabinet. As tries finding a clean shirt, Iwaizumi thinks of a way to apologize.

"Look. I'm sorry." Iwaizumi says. "I really really wanted to see you."

"Uh huh."

"You're being a bitchy girl, Oikawa."

Oikawa glanced over at him, annoyed, but didn't say anything. He then took off his shirt. "Whatever."

Iwaizumi's eye twitch in annoyance. He hates it when Oikawa is like this. Getting emo and shit didn't suit him at all.

Oikawa slams his cabinet shut and turns back. However, the moment he turns back, his leg hits one of the crutches, causing Oikawa to trip. "Waah!"

"Woah!" Iwaizumi rushes forward and catches Oikawa. He tries to steady him, hugging him in the process.

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