April 22

20 4 6

The night was dark but i could still see that girl throwing her arms around Michel, he looked a bit uncomfortable but he didn't stop her there, she stood on the tip of her toes and printed a kiss on his cheek "no" i whispered so no one could hear me, i felt my face turning red, who was she? Were they dating? Just in that moment Michel spotted me in the crowd, he looked embarrassed but i surely looked something more than mad "Robin!" He called for me as he pushed the girl aside, but it was already too late, because i was turning the other way.

*several hours before*

I put my hair up in a high, messy bun, the warm day light entered through the window, i opened my book and began to read, the house was silent as my grandparents had left a couple of hours ago. Unwittingly i looked at my cellphone to check the time, 6:24 in the afternoon, less than four hours until the party. I opened my book again, how are you supposed to dance in a party? I thought, i couldn't help myself, i couldn't think about any other thing, i could feel butterflies flying around my stomach "enough!" I told myself, what had happened with the girl that didn't care about that stuff? i surely didn't care, it wasn't the party i was worried about, i mean, apart from having to socially interact i would probably meet his other friends and see how he behaves around other people, besides he would see how awkward i am. I tried everything to distract my mind from those thoughts, but i couldn't,  finally at 8:36 i showered, put cloths on and then dried my hair, letting my browny hair fall loose up to my waist, with those little gold locks in between shining with the light. 10:42, it wasn't too early to arrive was it? The party had started forty minutes ago, i placed myself in front of the mirror one more time and looked myself in it, i had an old pair of jeans, a pair of black vans and a red sweater "okay" i told myself and walked to the door "just let me check again" i said and ran to the mirror one more time "okay" i said again and walked four steps towards the door when i turned around and stood in front of the mirror, ran a hand through my hair to check it was all right "stop!" I said "you are not this girl Robin! And you will not become it!  Now go to that stupid party and give zero fucks about how you look and how awkward you are!" I said to myself looking into my reflections eyes, confidently i walked to the door and left the house.

"Robin!" Exclaimed Michel when i entered the back yard where the party was. "Hey" i said and he gave me a warm hug. He was wearing some loose jeans and a white, plain t-shirt. There were already a lot of people in there, people i didn't know "a drink?" Asked Michel "sure" i said through all the music.

I met most of Michel's close friends, Rachel, tall, with round bluish eyes. Jason, really funny and tall and Noah, a bit quiet but good looking. "So how did you guys met?" Asked Rachel offering me a drink "we met in kinder garden and then went to the same school, after my grandparents died i moved here to London, we lost contact and now i found him again" i said, even though it was difficult to talk over the music, Rachel was really talkative "cool" she said, a guy passed beside her and threw her drink on her shirt "shit!" She said "careful were you walk!" I called after him and Rachel smiled "fuck, my shirt is officially ruined..." "wait, you can take it out, i have a special trick". I did a little mix with simple things found on the kitchen and bathroom and put it on the ruined part of the shirt "where did you learn to do this?" She asked amused "it's easy really, i do it when my cloths get dirty after i paint" after i finished it looked as good as new "girl you rock, i need to add you in ma life,  what's your number?" We exchanged numbers and retuned to the party.

"May i?" Asked Michel offering his hand "i. Don't. Dance" i said "just follow me".

He took my hand kindly and gave me a little spin, i laughed and he took me back into his hands delicately, he came near me and whispered in my ear "one foot at a time" and guided me through the song, then the second one, third and fourth. "I think i am going to get a drink" i shouted through the music and Michel nodded. "He is sooo into you..." i turned around and saw Rachel behind me "we are just friends" i said "yeah sure...friends, he looks at you with the eyes of a fallen boy, he has fallen in love with you" she said mockingly, i sad nothing and she laughed "you are so entertaining" she put an arm around me "C'mon, let's join the rest". We walked through the crowd till we found Michel, Jason and Noah. We talked and laughed and time just passed by, i was having fun, i truly was. "Oh my god, i love this song!" said Rachel "guys we have to go dancing" she grabbed my arm and we all followed her to the core of the swarm, we danced like crazy and we didn't cared "you having fun?" asked Michel through all the music "yeah!" i said back, he smiled proudly and i smiled back, he came closer to me and grabbed me by the elbow to seal most of the space between us, i looked up into his eyes and he whispered into my ear "you look beautiful when you smile" fortunately it was dark enough to hide the rush of blush in my face "Mikie!" i heard, we turned around and i saw a thin girl wearing a pink, short dress, her mini waist just made it look prettier and her sharp good looking face just made me more jealous, she threw herself into Michel's arms and took him apart from me until they got lost in the horde. I turned around, Noah and jason had gone too but Rachel was beside me looking pitiful "hate that girl" she said in an undertone "she is such a bitch".

"You've been staring at that guy for a while and he has been staring back" i noted to Rachel, it was two in the morning and the both of us where chatting in a corner "well... he's cute, i have to admit i've had a crush on him" "he is coming" i whispered and pushed her forward, they had a little chat and then Rachel came back to me "he wants to go somewhere more private" she said racing her eyebrows "then go" i said "are you sure you don't mind?" "of course not, just go!" and she left. I sighed and decided to find Michel, i searched all over the place until i saw it...

And here it is, where we started this chapter, you know what happens, so i don't have to explain. 

"Robin!" he called for me again but i was already at the back door, when he caught up with me i was in the sidewalk between our houses "Robin" he said losing his breath and grabbing my elbow, i turned around and faced him "i swear she is nobody, she kissed me! i don't even like her!" he explained moving his hands the way he does when he is either worried or in trouble "you don't have to explain" i told him "i am your friend, if you guys are dating just tell me" "then why are you leaving?" he asked "i am just a bit tired" i said not looking at him in the eyes "you are lying" he said "your voice sounds more high pitched when you are" "what?" i asked "just like that" he laughed "what worries you, Robin?" he asked getting more and more close to me "nothing" i lied "if it's Abby i swear i did nothing, we are not dating or anything" "hey, i don't mind, or at least i shouldn't, we are friends and i should not care if your dating or not" he came even closer and slenderly pulled one of my hairs behind my ear, i looked at him in the eyes and saw warmth and tenderness "i care" he said "because i don't want to be just your friend" and suddenly, without even realising it... he was kissing me.


hey guys! finally today was my last day, now i am on winter holidays! 

#Robichel this is the chapter! what did you think about it? 

Thank you so much for the 400 reads! you are the best i never thought i would even get a 100 when i started this novel, thank you for all your love and support, this story means a lot to me.

I'll try and update as much as possible on these free days.

I love you guys so much! and thank you for everything! :3

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