An abduction, and what now?

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The woman, Anna, turns her head. As she sees me, her eyes grow wide.

"Just be quiet," I whisper. I move the tip of my spear towards her face. "And get up, slowly."

She does as requested. She is a bit smaller than me, but about my age. She is skinny, and the pale features of her face framed by the dark hair give her an elfish look. Her ears seem normal, though, so I guess she's human. A human who has spent most of her life underground, like a worm.

Her tear-stained eyes still stare at me. "Who are you?" she asks, her voice hoarse.

"This doesn't matter now." I am afraid that the others may return for her at any time. "Let's move. Down there." I use my spear to show her the way, off the path and the plateau, straight down into the valley. "Move. Now!"

She doesn't.

"Go! Move!" I hiss. "I've killed larger things than you."

I am not sure if this is the truth, but I guess that the roe deer I killed at least wasn't much lighter than the thin girl in front of me.

She keeps staring at me.

"Go!" I repeat and hold the tip of the spear close to her nose, which makes her squint.

She casts a last glance towards the path that leads back to the bunker, and then she turns and sets off into the direction of the valley. The slope leading off the plateau is steep, and she holds on to any branches and roots she can reach. It looks awkward. She seems unused to moving through terrain like this, and our progress is slow. I keep looking back the way we came from, expecting to see her friends at any moment.

"Keep moving!" I say, touching her shoulder with the tip of my spear.

She flinches and then looks back. There are tears in her eyes.

"Don't whine! Just move!" 

What a bully I am.

When we finally reach flatter ground, I drive her to the left, planning to keep a safe distance from the village. We continue, in silence.

What am I to do with you now, I wonder, while I stare at her backside. She's wearing a bleached sweater that probably used to be green, and gray trousers, both military issue, both several sizes too large.

I did not really plan this abduction, but the opportunity was too good to be missed, and it felt good to turn all my anger into action. I am still mad, mad at her and her companions. But what the hell am I to do with her now?

Instinctively, I have headed for my hiding place. This is not really a plan, but it has to do for now.

While it usually takes me a quarter of an hour to reach my place from the village, it's much longer with Anna. She walks slowly and keeps tripping over anything in her path, while her breathing is so loud that I am afraid they will hear us all the way to the bunker.

I keep looking out for signs of pursuit, but we seem to be the only thing moving through the woods.

I am relieved when we finally reach my camp.

"Sit down there," I tell her, pointing to a crumbling block of concrete. I keep standing while she sits down with a sigh, still breathing heavily.

I wonder if it is a good idea to stay here with her, so close to the village. It would probably be better to move further way, but it will soon be evening, and the thought of stumbling through the night with my clumsy hostage holds little appeal.

"You're Anna," I finally say, breaking the silence. She gives me a startled look, but then she nods. Her eyes are still wide open, studying my face. She looks afraid.

That scar in my face does have its advantages. I must look like a savage to her, or a pirate, the reminder of that bear attack perfectly complemented by my unwashed clothes, my dirty hair, and the wild stare that I try to give her.

What kind of being have I become?

Whatever. This girl will tell me what's going on here. I want to know how to save Steve and Jenny.

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